chapter two

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Brian was back home from tour for a couple months. He texted Lizzy up.

Brian - hey
Lizzy - hey
Brian - how are you
Lizzy - I'm good and you?
Brian - I'm good that I'm talking to you
Lizzy - awww
Brian - you wanna hang today?
Lizzy - sure
Brian - ok I'll come and get ya
Lizzy - ok
Brian - see ya soon
Lizzy - see ya soon

Brian drives to her apartment. Brian goes in. He hugs and kisses her. Lizzy takes his hand and they go to the couch and cuddle.

Brian says," what you wanna do?" Lizzy said," I do have a song I wanna write. Wanna write one with me." Brian said," I love too."

Lizzy and Brian goes into her music studio room. Brian says," what you writting." Lizzy said," this is the song."
Song title
" Lost In Your Love"
Verse one
I lived in the years waitin' for you,
Lived many years prayin' for the right one,
Hopin' God will lead me to you,
That he has found me the one,"

Brian said," wow that's really good." Lizzy said," you wanna help me write the rest." Brian helped her write the rest.

Two hours later, Brian said," wanna go out on a date tonight." Lizzy hugs him and said," I will any night."

Later that night, Brian comes back all ready for the date in his cowboy attire. Lizzy is in a white shirt lacey dress with a denim jacket and cowboy boots. Brian takes her to a western restaurant.

They eat, chat and have a good time. Brian walked her to her apartment. He held her hand and moved her close to him. He kisses her and stays the night with Lizzy.

The next morning, Lizzy was in the bed sleeping. Brian woke up. Put his arms around her and kisses her face. Lizzy wakes up, turns around and looks up at him. Lizzy smiles so big. Brian kisses her and gets up.

He goes into the bathroom. He says," I'm going to hang with Tyler today. But I'll be back tonight." Lizzy said," sounds good to me." He got dressed and everything. He kisses Lizzy one last time and goes to Tyler's.

Lizzy felt a bad pain in her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. She called Brooklyn up. She came over. Lizzy talks to Brooklyn. Than Lizzy went to take something. It was a test. A minute later, she looks at it. It said positive.

Lizzy started to freak out. Brooklyn comes in and looks at it. She said," your having who's baby?" Lizzy said," Brian Kelley's," in a scared shocked way.

Later that day, Brian came back. He didn't see Lizzy there at all. He was scared and worried. Lizzy was staying with Brooklyn for awhile till she is good enough to tell Brian.

Brian tried calling her for months and texts and tries so much to find her. He was worried about her.

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