Party Favor

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You and Mina unfortunately do get to the party a little late, because Mina decided to have a concert in the shower and lost track of time. It didn't matter though. The party has already started so you can start night off with a bang. It's great! Everyone from your class is here! Momo, Tsu, Shoji, Shoto, and even Bakugou to your surprise. Even more surprising is the fact that he actually dressed up! He's leaning against the wall just watching the crowd. An evil idea crosses your mind. You know how easy it is to make him tick so you decide to have a little fun at his expense.

"Katsuki Bakugou! Is that really you?"

He glares at you with his fierce red eyes and says,

"Oh great. It's you. What the Hell do you want extra?"

He spat.

"Ouch! So mean! I simply wanted to say that I'm glad to see you here and to see that you actually dressed up! A werewolf costume, huh?"

You look him up and down.

"Yeah, and what of it, dumbass? You got a problem with it?"

Small crackles and pops form in his hands. You simply chuckle and say,

"Not at all! I think it suits you! You always did remind me of a wild animal at times with your explosive temperament and competitive attitude."

You poke fun. Bakugou grits his teeth and growls at you. This only makes you laugh out loud.

"Don't you laugh at me you damn dumbass! You wanna fight? I'll take you on right here, right now! Let's go! I was thinking that this party could use a little more excitement!"

The angry blonde takes a fighting stance, ready to throw down when someone puts a hand on his shoulder.

"That's enough, Kachan! You know better than to try and pick a fight in someone else's home! I'm sorry about him, Y/N. You know how he is."

"Oi oi oi! Don't talk about me like I'm not standing right here, ya damn nerd! I'll fight you too!"

Bakugou shouts. You'd recognize the young broccoli haired man anywhere.

"Midoriya! It's so good to see you! I love your costume by the way! A villain version of yourself? How clever! Oh, and you don't have to worry about us. We're just catching up. Right, Lord Explosion Murder?"

You mock his supposed hero name he chose for himself back in UA. Deku scoffs and covers his mouth, trying to muffle his laugh. The look Bakugou gives you is one that would've made any other person run for the hills, but not you.

 The look Bakugou gives you is one that would've made any other person run for the hills, but not you

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Most of the time he's all bark and no bite with you. He knows that your quirk isn't one that he can beat very easily considering that he fights mostly in hand to hand combat, and he needs to keep his eyes open for that. So one wrong look and he knows that you'd win. He'd never admit to it though.

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