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⚠️Warning! Mentions of marijuana use!⚠️

You and Tamaki set the date for a week later after your meeting at the party. You told Tamaki that he can choose what to do for the date because you're afraid that what you want to do would be too much for him. During that week of waiting, you and Tamaki exchanged numbers and have been texting each other. Just as you figured, he's more bold over text than in person. When you're sad, he sends you funny animal pictures to cheer you up, and despite him being self conscious and shy, he sends you pictures of himself with cute filters. You send him some of you too. He's even gone as far as to give you a nickname! Bunny is what he calls you. He said that he really liked your costume that night and that you reminded him so much of a cute bunny, that he couldn't think to call you anything else. You think it's adorable and suits your looks perfectly! In return, you call him Maki. (Ta"maki")
You and Mina are chilling at the apartment, having a relaxing night in sipping on cheap wine, watching cheesy romantic comedies, and doing facials.

(Day before date night)

"So tomorrow's the big day, huh? Are you excited?Oooooh! You should totally let me help you get ready!"

Mina exclaims excitedly. It's not that you aren't excited, because you are. Ecstatic even! It's just that you haven't gone on many dates, and the ones you have gone on were busts. Either the guy was just trying to get into your pants, or just wanted the popularity of dating a pro hero. You don't want just some fling like that. You want someone that you can settle down with. Possibly even start a family with. So you have a good feeling about shy little Amajiki. He's been nothing but kind and respectful to you ever since you met that fateful night. As the week went by, you started to understand more about how Tamaki feels because the closer the day of the date came, the more nervous you got.

"Yup. Tomorrow, and yes, you can help me get ready . To be honest Mina, I'm nervous. I know I've been on dates before, but those guys were assholes. Maki is different. He's so sweet! He sends me a good morning and good night text every day, and cute pictures of himself with filters. He also texts me all the time during my patrols asking me if I'm okay or if I need help, and he's never once asked me for dirty pictures. He's such a gentleman!"

Without realizing it, you have a smile spread across your face as you talk about him. Mina just stares at you with a smirk on her face.


You ask her confused. Mina just shakes her head and smiles.

"Maki? So, you're at the pet name phase already? Hehe! That was fast! You know you had a goofy grin on your face when you were talking about him just now, right? If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you got it bad for him."

She says teasingly. You blush hotly and give her a playful punch on the arm.

"Shut up! I do not!"

Mina just laughs and says,

"If you say so. Now, let's do some face masks! I call dibs on the one with the sparkles in it!"

You laugh at her sudden change in attitude, but can't help but wonder how things are going to go tomorrow.

"What will we do tomorrow? Is he going to take me to a movie? I know he doesn't like crowded places so maybe a library date! Where will we go to eat? It's too cold for a picnic so that's out the equation. Hmmmm, maybe-!"

Life of the party (Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now