Party's over!

334 10 1

Tamaki's POV

*Y/L- Your length*
*Y/C- Your color*

I feel like I've been crying for hours. My eyes are bloodshot and sting from the tears. I close them, thinking about just staying in this bed for the night and explaining everything to Mirio and Kirishima in the morning, when I hear footsteps coming from the hall. Then, the door to the room I'm in opens and I hear a soft male voice call out,

"Hey. I'm sorry to bother you, but are you okay? I saw what happened back there."

The voice sounds soft and comforting. I remove the covers from my head to see a young man. A handsome young man. I don't recognize him from my class. He has beautiful Y/L, Y/C ______ hair. His eyes are the color of ______, and his frame is well built. He also wearing a bunny costume! I make a small gasp and I feel my cheeks flush. It doesn't help the fact that I have a bunny boy kink! I figured that out one day when I found a "Special Magazine" hidden under Mirio's bed. On the cover was a male model in a very revealing bunny outfit. I'm still embarrassed to admit it, but it gave me a hard on. Not just because of the models handsome face, but because of that costume. The idea of a guy with animal traits or clothing is attractive to me. Unable to look at the tantalizing spectacle in front of me for fear of having an "accident", I pull the hood of my costume down over my eyes and tell him,

"Oh! N-no! You're not bothering me a-and yeah. I-I'm fine."

I hear him sigh and he says,

"You don't have to lie. You're not fine. I saw your eyes just now. They're bloodshot and your nose is red. You were crying."

I blush harder at the fact that he notices.

"I-I didn't mean to lie. P-please don't worry about me. I don't like making people worry, b-but I guess it happens regardless. I-I'm sorry."

I glance up at him. His expression is smug. He tells me,

"There's no need to apologize. No one is going to worry about you. I made sure of it."

I tilt my head in confusion and ask,

"What are you t-talking about?"

"My quirk. I can wipe memories, then create new ones in their place. I used it on everyone here. No one will remember anything about your little misfortune. Well, except my friend Mina and I, but you can trust us! We would never tell a soul about what really happened."

He explains. I want to trust him, but I'm wary.

"Why would he help me? There's no way that he'd help me just because. He has to have some ulterior motive. Oh, wait. I get it now. He probably just wants to get close to Mirio. Of course. Everyone knows that I'm best friends with him. People are always trying to get to him through me."

I think to myself. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when he says,

"You're welcome, by the way."

"Oh! I-I'm sorry! Yes! T-thank you, but why did you do that? You don't know me. If you wanted to get c-close to Mirio then all you had to do was ask. Also, w-we weren't in the same class. Uh, at least, I d-don't think we were. Were we? I'm s-sorry if I don't recognize you. I usually walk with my head down so I don't make eye contact with people and-!"

I ramble, but I'm cut off mid sentence when I hear him giggle. It's adorable! He says,

"You know, you're kind of cute when you ramble like that."

I blush at the complement. He reaches out his hand for a hand shake and says,

"I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you!"

I slowly outstretch my hand to shake his. It's so soft and warm!

"H-hi. I'm-!"

"Tamaki Amajiki. Pro hero: Suneater. Quirk: Manifest. You were part of The Big Three from class 1B back at UA. You are right about not being in the same class. I was in class 1A and I may not know you on a personal level, but I know of you."

He cuts me off again. I shouldn't be surprised and yet I am. I'm a pro hero after all, so of course I'm going to get some popularity. Although, to be honest, I wish I wouldn't get any. I don't like all the attention. It just makes my anxiety act up more.

"May I have my hand back, please?"

He asks. I look down at my hand still holding his. I forgot to let go. I quickly release his hand and throw my hands up.

"Ah! I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean for that to happen!"

I hear him giggle.

"It's okay. Has anyone ever told you that you apologize too much?"

He asks.

"Y-yeah. Multiple times."

I mutter. He giggles once again. It's so cute! He then cocks his head to the side and asks,

"So, can I tell you a little secret?"

"Uh, s-sure."

I stutter. He leans down to me. I shudder when I feel his breath on my ear as he whispers,

"I'm not using you to get close to Mirio."

I immediately feel guilty.

"O-oh... I-I guess I shouldn't have made that assumption, huh? S-sorry about that. Is there a-anything I can do make it up to you?"

I ask, trying to make amends. I can practically see the wheels in his mind turning. He's taking longer to respond than I thought he would and it's making me nervous.

"What could he possibly be thinking of?"

I ask myself. Then, I see a devious smirk cross his lips. I gulp. He crosses her arms in front of his chest and says,

"Go on a date with me."

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