Date Night

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*F/M/B- Favorite morning beverage*
(Ex: Hot tea, coffee, etc.)


9:00 AM

"I'm up!"

You're jerked from your sleep. You rub your eyes and yawn. A phone call is what wakes you. You grab your phone from under your pillow and answer it, not bothering to look at the caller ID.


You ask in your groggy morning voice.

"G-good morning, B-bunny."

A soft voice says on the other end of the line.

"Maki? Hey! Well, I guess it is a good morning now that I hear your voice."

You say flirtatiously. You can't see his face but you know that statement made him blush.

"You've never called me before, so what's up?"

You ask inquisitively.

"Well, t-today is the day of our d-date, so I wanted to start the day off s-special. That, and K-Kiri told me that it would be... r-romantic."

You feel your heart leap.

"Oh, that's so sweet! Thank you, Maki! Tell Kiri I said thank you to him too, okay? So, what are we doing today?"

You hear a soft chuckle from him.

"I will! And i-it's a surprise! You'll have m-most of the day to yourself. What I h-have planned isn't happening u-until tonight. Just come to my place around six o'clock tonight. I'll text you the address, o-okay?"

You're a little confused as to why he chose such a late time of day, but you don't complain. It just gives you more time to get ready.

"Okay! I'll be sure to use that time to pick out an outfit that makes me look manly and extra handsome!"

You giggle.

"You don't have to look manly for me to think you're handsome. I think you'd look handsome regardless of what you'd wear."

It's barely a whisper, but you heard it loud and clear. Now it's your turn to blush. You hear a small gasp from Tamaki as he realizes that you heard what he said.

"Y-you really think so, Maki?"

You stutter. There's a moment of silence until Tamaki says,

"Yes. I do."

You're surprised by the amount of confidence he said it with. You hear a small sob in the background.

"That was so sweet, bro, and you didn't even stutter!"

You recognize the voice as Kirishima's.

"S-stop it, Kiri! You're embarrassing me! An-and why are you listening in on our conversation? I th-thought you said that you were going to go for a morning run or s-something!"

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