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•Nanami and his handsome self is going to make me implode•

•Nanami and his handsome self is going to make me implode• ———————————————————

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"It's shameful that top shinobi can't handle a couple of empty threats, honestly I'm a little kid that can kill with and without these cuffs. I can make you bow to my every will like the sheep you are!" Y/n giggles echoed into the cell's walls making the guards have chills.

"You're lucky we have strict orders to keep you locked up instead of killing you!"
"Since when did you people have the guts to kill me? All you do is yell, curse me out, and sometimes throw things at us, let's face almost everyone here are cowards-" Y/n was interrupted by a kick to the face, the guard kept kicking until the other guard had to step in and stop him.

"Ooo that was a good kick, I've been here for day and I haven't eaten in weeks either so that hurt more than it should.."
"Just shut it monster."
"I'm starting to get tired of monster, get creative and use a different nickname!" Y/n tugged against her restraints, breaking only one off.
"If I wasn't so starved I could have broken both off!" She was frustrated, being locked up for most of your life and going out for once made Y/n addicted to the outside world.

"That's enough Y/n" Gaara walked past the guards and undid the restraints on Y/n.
"Wait why are you here?!"
"The higher ups told us that Y/n was free to go and Y/n don't bully the guards too much.." Y/n smiled and stood up before falling face first onto the ground.

"My legs are asleep." Y/n bursted out laughing as Gaara helped her up. They walked past the guards with Y/n sticking her tongue at them.
"Do you want to get something to eat?"
"I thought you'd never ask." They walked towards the nearest shop and grabbed some snacks. Y/n quickly devoured hers while Gaara took his time.

"So what happened while I was locked up?"
"I went up against an enemy that almost tried to kill me and taught a girl, Mitsuri." Y/n gave him a blank stare as he stuffed a piece of candy in her mouth.
"Gods why does everything fun happen while I'm locked up.." Y/n was jealous at the fact that she wasn't there to experience any of that.
"I'm glad that you're not jealous over me teaching Mitsuri.."
"Why would I be? You're my fiancé and not hers so I'm not worried at all." She smiled as she drew on the ground with a rock.

"If she tries anything I'll make sure she knows her place." Gaara pinched her cheek.
"Don't do any of that, I've made peace with people of the village so I want you to do that too." Y/n stayed slient and thought over her answer.
"I'm not sure about that, I'm not well liked since they found out about my Rinnegan but if you insist I'll try but I did threaten two guards by telling them I'd burn their corpses." Gaara looked at Y/n in disbelief, she's literally acting backwards, she stuck her tongue at him which he returned.

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