For You

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(Real quick, @Frog18972 if you are reading this please do not listen to the song above. You know want happens)

-This is a poem dedicated to one of my Wattpad friends saying thank you for helping me through rough times to the best of their abilities. I am truly grateful for this person so I wrote this poem-

-The person who I wrote this for probably isn't gonna read this but if they ever do I just wanted them to know that they helped me so much. Thank you @Smart-ish-

Morning came and went as fast 
As quick as a snap
Night fell soon darkness taking over the land
Covering me in their shadow
I didn't mind the night's shadow
It was the what lurked inside that made
Me hate the dark and myself

I let out screams that no one heard
No one cared
The shadow took over me
Soon controlling my thoughts
I cried but no one saw
No one cared
I was left to fend for myself against the dark

When I talk they don't know
They don't understand
I ran towards the light but I'm trapped
Trapped in a prison of bad thoughts

Harm myself
Cut myself
Kill myself
Destroy myself

These thoughts fill my head now
Even if I don't know how
I give in to the voices
But I'm left with two choices
End it here and now
Or wait until later

I apologize to people for no reason
They stare at me and ask me why
But I never know the answers to their questions
I beat myself for not knowing anything

They say to stop
Stop my ways
Stop my thoughts
Of committing suicide
Of doing self-harm
Promise, they say

But some promises you can't keep

No matter how hard I try I can't
I do my best 
But people don't understand how 
Hard it can be

No one bothered but then
You reached out to me
You said you'll be there for me
Reading that made me cry
Crying in a good way

Reading your words made me think
You started helping me in
My ways and my thoughts

Being suicidal is not easy to get over
I don't know what to live for
When I told you this you cried
I'm sorry for that
I don't want you to cry

But now I know
I know what to live for

We're there for each other
You helped me a lot
When the shadow covered me
You brought a light and scared it away

I'm on my knees begging myself to push through
But then you're there to help me
I'm glad I met you
Even if online

I want to thank you for being there
For being my friend
Words couldn't express how much
I am grateful to have met you
Now I can see light on the other end

I don't know if you realized
How much you have helped me
But I wanted to let you know
If it weren't for you I'd probably
Be dead by now

So thank you
And what I said before?
One of the things I live for now
Is you

You're my friend and helped me
Helped me so much
So I'll keep living
I don't want to see you sad

This poem is for you
To thank you as I said before
I'm so grateful to have met you
To have become friends with you

This is dedicated to you
For you

Thank you @Smart-ish for everything :) Sorry if that sounded mushy. it was for a thank you. You're probably not even reading this haha but if you are then what I said was true. Thank you so much! You really did help me a lot :) I know this poem is bad but still -_- 

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