Flower Crowns

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RTTE - Season 5


Everything was going great. All volcanoes on the island have been stabilized (for now), the gang were doing their own things, not exploding to the island, and Hiccup and Astrid couldn't be any more at peace. Right now the couple was sitting near a cliff. Hiccup was drawing on his map Astrid sat next to him. The dragons were playing together having a good old time.

All the sudden Hiccup felt something on his head. He looked up to see Astrid fixing something on his head.

"Astrid, what are yo-"

"Hold still"

Being the type of boyfriend that has a bit of fear of his girlfriend, he sat still. Out the corner of his eye he saw a flower fall out of hair. Immediately he questioned what in the world she was doing. She finally let go of his head and backed up a little to see her masterpiece. She let out a little giggle. Now he was very confused because she never giggles (unless he's kissing her). He lifted his hand to try and figure out what was on his. He felt leaves and petals.

"Did you make a flower crown and put it on my head"


"I never took you for liking flowers"

She blushed. "Well, . . . uh . . . I'm not their biggest fan, but I wouldn't say I hate them." He looked down in embarrassment. She always thought flowers were a stupid thing for girls to get all worked up about, but she wouldn't lie saying she didn't liked them when people weren't making a big deal about them. "But they do make you look even cuter."

Now Hiccup was paying attention. He gave her a smirk only to have her blush a little more.

"Well even though I look amazing in flowers . . ." He lifted it off his head and gently put it on head. "They make you look even better than me." Sightly lifting her chin to get a better look at her, Astrids blush has made it all the way to her shoulders. The pinks and yellows of the flowers has made her look ten times better. "They compliment your eyes." Oh how he loves teasing her.

A hand slammed into his face and pushed him away.

"Shut up."

He fell back slightly, laughing. He watched as Astrid rolled her eyes playfully. The blush was still evident on her face. "All jokes aside, Astrid they do make you look beautiful." He pulled her into his lap and held her tight as the leaves brushed against his face. He could feel her melt in her hug.

"Hey where did you learn to make flower clowns?"

"Um . . . actually I don't really know. All I remember is that whenever I was bored, I would go for a walk in the woods and just pick the flowers. I guess over the years it seemed I learned how to make them."

As time passed he held Astrid and watched her pull the flowers out of the ground and form a new crown. He loved the way her hands curled around the flower to shape it into another.

"You know for someone who doesn't like flowers, you're really good at making them."

"I already told you, I like them, I just don't get obsessed with them."

"Well then, at least I have a new way to surprise you."

"Oh really."

"Ya, like this"

As soon as he said that Astrid erupted in laughter from Hiccup tickling her. "HICCUP." There wasn't anything else Hiccup loved more than hearing her laughter. "Hicc 'laugh' Hiccup. OK OK." He stopped only to get elbowed in the stomach. "Ow, why do you abuse me!" The blond giggled at his comment and settled back into his lap to watch the sunset. The map was long forgotten, while the dragons fell asleep. Ya, nothing could be better than this.

The next morning Astrid woke up only to find a small bouquet of flowers sitting on a chair. She held it up and looked at it with love. She noticed a note attached to it.

"Perfect flowers for the perfect valkyrie"      

Sorry super short. More in the making.  Keep on keeping it mellow.  

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