Chapter 9 - A Rose, By Any Other Name

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Several more days pass in Asgard. Several more mornings woken by warm sunshine on your face, and Loki's arm around your waist. Several more afternoons shared walking through the palace gardens, lounging in the library, sneaking around the kitchens, and exploring the village. And several more nights of passionate moans and heated kisses.

But upon waking this morning, Loki hadn't been in bed.

Or even in the room.

Unusual, but not exactly concerned, you decide to take a few precious moments to yourself and lounge in the massive shower of the ensuite. But you don't linger long - eager to find out where your prince has run off too. He so rarely leaves your side, it must be something interesting. And quite frankly, you're bored.

You dry off and wrap yourself in a towel before wandering over to the wardrobe to look through all of the beautiful, brightly colored dresses. As your fingers skim the fabric, moving from blues to greens to yellows, you notice the atmosphere has shifted. The feeling of being watched prickles the hair on the back of your neck.

You smile.

"Loki, how many times have I told you not to pop in like this? You have to knock like a normal person!" you laugh, turning to find Loki leaning against your bedpost.

"I have to knock?" he almost laughs, arching a brow. "Darling, you're in my room."

"Okay fine, you don't have to know," you laugh. "But at least don't stalk me - especially while you're invisible!"

Loki tuts disapprovingly. "Come now, love. You know I can't turn myself invisible. You just don't pay close enough attention."

"Creating an illusion of an empty room counts as being invisible," you shoot back.

Loki groans and leans his head back against the bed post.

"I can't help it love. I love to watch you as you live blissfully unaware of my presence," he says, pushing himself from the bed post and coming up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you try to hold your towel in place.

"But I wasn't unaware of your presence," you say. "At least, not for more than ten seconds."

"And how can you be sure I haven't been here the whole time?" he jests.

You lean your toweled head back into him as he places a small kiss on your freshly washed cheek. "Because I actually showered in peace," you say pointedly.

Loki says nothing, but chuckles warmly, letting his fingers drag up and down your arms - featherlight.

"Will you walk with me, love?" Loki says.

"Not like this!" you giggle, motioning to your wet hair and towel-covered body.

"Let me help," Loki says in a low, seductive voice.

Pulling the towel gently from your hair, he runs his fingers through, a green glow causing your head, neck and shoulders to feel warm and tingly. You're never sure how he does it, but your hair is now dry.

With a single, effortless flourish Loki pulls the towel from around your body and tosses it aside. You shiver as the air hits your damp skin, and Loki chases those shivers with tiny kisses running across your bare shoulders as his hands dance down your back. That warm, tingling sensation trickles down your spine as his magic dresses you.

"There," he smiles, coming to the front to face you. "You look beautiful."

With a gentle hand he guides you to the tall mirror on the dresser door, and a gasp slips from between your lips. Loki has styled your hair perfectly, pinned back on one side as the rest flows over your shoulder and down your back like currents in a waterfall. And he's dressed you in a gown unlike any you've worn before. It's a beautiful dress of ivory, with dainty green and gold accents pleated effortlessly through the skirt and bodice. Long sleeves hang off your shoulders, accented by a corset laced with golden threads.

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