Chapter Three

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That night Mia walked into her apartment and as she shut the door her phone beeped, she took it out of her pocket and looked at her message,

JP: Hey, just landed in Mexico, I'll speak to you tomorrow. Good night I love you xxx

M: Okay, stay safe. I love you too.  Xxx

Mia smiled as she placed her phone on the side, she went into the bathroom to get ready to shower when she heard a noise in her kitchen, as she walked into the kitchen she was hit over the head and knocked unconscious.

The next morning, William goes to Mia's apartment to have breakfast with her, when he arrives everything is as it was, but Mia is no where to be found, William begins to panic and he calls Kara.


W-"Kara, Mia's missing."


W-"She's not at her apartment and her phone has been left here, we both know she never goes without her phone."

K-"Okay, come to the hall we'll check the cameras."

W-"Okay, I'm on my way."

William grabs Mia's phone and heads to the hall, when he gets their he sees Kara and Nora both at the monitors, trying to find any sign of Mia.

W- "Anything?"

K-"No. Gideon, any leads?"

G-"No Miss Danvers, the camera's in Miss Queen's apartment were overridden with an algorithm I've never seen before."

N-"So they covered their tracks."

G-"Yes, Miss West-Allen. I'm running all my codes and algorithms to try and locate Miss Queen."

K-"Okay, thank you Gideon."

Just then the monitors beep and a video appears of Mia tied to a chair, gag in her mouth.

K-"Track it."

William runs to a chair to try and track where the video is coming from.

V-"Now, I'm Devil and you may be wondering why I have Miss Queen, well she is part of that group that saves people and helps Meta-humans. Now if you want to have Miss Queen back alive then I suggest you release all of the meta-humans out of their containment, so that I can kill them. You have 12 hours."

The video cut out and William turned to the two women behind him who were both pale.

W-"It wasn't long enough, I needed it to be longer to be able to find them."

N-"We're not gonna release them are we?"

K-"Of course not, we don't negotiate with terrorists. Mia is strong, she can hold out for a little bit."

N-"I know but I don't want her to get seriously injured."

K-"She won't she's strong, if her father survived five years in hell, the League of Assassins and too many more to count, then she will be okay."

W-"I know you're right but I don't think it should be just you two when you go and get her."

K-"Your right let's call some back up."


Kara, William and Nora walk over to the wall next to the memorial, where their were a load of buttons in all the hero's symbols. Kara took a deep breath and pushed two.

K-"Her family."

Three hours later William, Nora and Kara were becoming restless, they couldn't find anything to lead them to Mia's location and their had been no more videos. William was nervously tapping the desk while looking at the monitors, Nora was staring at a whiteboard with all the known information and Kara was restlessly pacing. Just then the doors to the Hall opened and two sets of foot steps where heard rushing towards the monitors.

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