Chapter Five

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It's two months after the engagement party and Mia is recovering well, she's receiving therapy for the trauma she experienced when kidnapped and for when she had her miscarriage. William and Kara are both still trying to find out any information on 'The Devil' they still don't understand who they are, what they want or why they kidnapped Mia. Kara is using her journalist contacts while William is using his business contacts but they still have come up empty. Nora on the other hand is struggling, she isn't sleeping, she's more agitated and she even tapped into the negative speed force. All of this was causing Kara, Mia and William to be worried about their team mate. And they were right to be.

Mia is sat watching the monitors while William and Kara are working by one of their whiteboards.

W-" I just don't understand where all these villains have come from or who 'The Devil' is."

K-"I know, theirs been no particle accelerator explosion, nobody has come out of the speed force and their is no evil master mind trying to destroy everybody's intelligence. It's like they have come out of nowhere and 'The Devil' is basically a ghost, they haven't shown up since they kidnapped you."

M-"We need to find out where they are all coming from because then we will know how to stop them and whoever is doing this to them."

W-"Well we've tried every test and scan possible and nothing, so whoever is doing this is either really good at hiding or we are looking for the wrong things."

M-"Where's Nora?"

K-"Um, I'm not sure I spoke to her this morning and she said she would be at work and that she would come in later tonight for patrol."

Just as William is about to say something an alarm starts blaring on the monitors, Kara and William run over to join Mia by the command centre to see what the alert is for.

M-"Extreme power surge at Nora's loft."

Mia looks to Kara and William with worry before Kara turns to William while Mia runs to the storage room.

K-"William can you cover here?"

W-"Yeah, you two go."

K-"We'll call when we know what's going on."

Mia then comes running back to Kara with power dampener in her hand. Kara looks at her in confusion,

M-"You never know."

K-"Good point."

Kara picks Mia up and they fly to Nora's loft. They land outside her front door and Kara uses her x-ray vision to see if their is any danger.

K-"Oh Roa."


K-"You'll see."

Kara takes a deep breath and opens the door and walks in with Mia on her heels, when they enter the loft they see Nora crying and pacing around the room, things have been smashed on the floor and the large standing mirror has been cracked and is smashed in pieces scattered all over the floor.

Kara turns to Mia and whispers in her ear "I think you should turn on that power dampener."

Mia gently nods her head before quickly turning the power dampener on, while Kara slowly approaches Nora.


N-"No, no, no, I don't want to go. No, leave me alone. You can't take me, no please no."

K-"Nora, it's Kara and Mia. We are not going to hurt you."

N-"No, no, no, no. Stay their don't come any closer."

K-"Okay I won't come any closer, what happened?"

N-"She tried to take me to that place."

K-"What place, Nora?"

N-"Where Mom was, she wants to destroy me, like she did mom, but I won't let her. No she can't have me, no."

Nora was beginning to panic again and she crouched to the ground, head in her hands.

K-"She can't take you anywhere Nora, your dad destroyed that awful place when he saved your mom."

N-"But I couldn't save them."

K-"What do you mean Nora?"

N-"Mom was never the same after coming out of their, she wouldn't even look in a mirror. Then I couldn't save dad, I wasn't strong enough to save him and that just broke mom even more."

Kara was slowly moving closer to Nora while Mia was silently watching from the front door, tears streaming down all their faces.

N-"I could see mom was struggling but why didn't I do anything, why didn't I talk to her, I could have saved her, I made a promise that I would protect them both and I failed them."

K-"Nora, you have't failed your parents, in both circumstances you couldn't have done anything, none of us could. I don't know what would have happened if they were still here with us today but what I do know is that you are the best of both of them. You are brave and strong, you fight everyday to make sure no evil degrades our cities and that is what your parents wanted for you, they wanted you to be who you are and whatever decisions you make I know that they are proud of you."

Kara was now sat next to Nora on the floor holding her hands.

K-"I know that they are with you everyday, because they are in your heart and they are watching over you smiling because you have made them proud. You have made them proud."

N-"I have?"

K-"Yes, yes you have."

Nora collapses in a fresh wave of tears into Kara's arms, Kara hugs the sobbing girl while looking at Mia who nods her head and turns the power dampener off before moving to start on clearing up all of the glass. Once Nora had calmed down and they had gotten her to sleep in her bed, Mia and Kara went back to the living room, and both sat on the couch.

M-"Kara what are we gonna do? I mean things are getting worse, I'm running out of ideas."

K-"I know. I know I promised Barry but we lost Iris because she couldn't handle living without Barry and now we are slowly and excruciatingly loosing Nora. I think we need to call in our science friends and see if they have any idea on how to solve our problem."

Mia nods as Kara takes out her phone and dials a number.

K-"Hey. Things are getting worse, we need an idea because we can't keep this up. Okay, see you then. Bye."

Kara hangs up her phone and sighs,

M-"What did they say?"

K-"They are on their way."

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