Chapter Eight

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Immediately all the heroes jump into action, Kara storms down the aisle with Mon-el at her side,

K-"Get everybody out of here!"

Nora runs around getting people out of their, Ray helps with his suit while his wife Nora uses her magic to teleport people, J'onn transforms into his martian state and joins the fight quickly followed by everyone else. The heroes are all working together, punching, kicking, dodging, sliding, flying, shooting and screaming at the Russians. After their's only three Russians left standing, Sara stabs one, Kara knocks another one out and two gunshots ring out throughout the church. Alex has shot the final Russian dead and the heroes all breathe a sigh of relief but their attention is quickly diverted back to the front when they here a groan and Mia cry out.

M-"No! James?"

James drops to the floor his white shirt becoming red, Mia follows him to the ground before taking him in her arms, the rest of the heroes just watch helplessly. Mia hold James' lifeless body in her arms, his eyes cold and staring at he ceiling. Nobody moves for a few minuets until Kara and Thea gently approach Mia,

T-"Mia? He's gone."

Mia lets out an agonising scream that sounded like her heart had been ripped out, Thea gently manoeuvres James' body to the floor before helping Kara get Mia to stand up, Mia's dress now covered in blood. Mia's hands are covered in blood and even Thea and Kara's dresses are covered in James' blood. Thea and Kara lead Mia out of the church to get her back to the Justice Hall with most of the heroes following. Alex and J'onn stay behind to deal with the police.

A few hours later everyone was now back in the Justice Hall, all cleaned up and all of them were very quiet and somber. Kara walked back into the command centre dressed in her suit,

K-"Okay. I know it's been a tough day. But we need to figure out where these Russians came from."

S-"When did they come from?"

A-"Why invade Mia and James' wedding?"

K-"All good questions that we need to find the answers too."

Everyone got to work trying to come up with theories or answers to any of those questions. After a few hours they still hadn't gotten anywhere, so they called it a night.

S-"We're not getting anywhere."

NA-"Sara's right we all need sleep, we all need rest."

K-"Okay, I'm on duty tonight so I'll stay, the rest of you get some sleep and we'll regroup in the morning."

Once everyone left Kara turned to Gideon.

K-"Gideon, I'm going to do some patrol, let me know if anything comes up."

G-"Yes Miss Danvers."

Kara flew out of the hall and done several trips around the city, finally she stopped on the tallest building in the city and watched the nightlife. After a little while she heard someone behind her.


MO-"What are you doing up here?"

K-"Patrolling and thinking."

MO-"Thinking about what?"

Mon-el walks up to stand next to Kara.

K-"We have horrible luck with relationships and weddings."


K-"Well, when Oliver and Felicity first got engaged she was shot and paralysed 10 minuets later, Barry and Iris' wedding was crashed by Nazis who wanted my heart. We were happy before I had to send you away."

MO-"Yeah what awful luck, Kara as heroes it is hard to find that balance but you will get it in the end."


MO-"What else is on your mind?"

K-"That's it."

MO-"Kara. Crinkle."

Kara sighs and frowns,

K-"I feel like I have failed."

MO-"Failed what?"


MO-"Kara you haven't failed anyone."

Mon-el turns to Kara and forces her to face him.

"Kara you haven't failed anybody. Their is no way you could have known that Russians were going to invade Mia's wedding. There's no way you could have known about Nora's breakdown, or Iris' death. "

K-"I feel like I have."

Tears begin to run down her face

K-"I feel like I'm trying to keep the world from cracking in half and I feel like I'm failing."


He uses his finger to make her look up to him

"You haven't failed anybody, I think your a person who is faced with extraordinary circumstances. I know even our relationship has been hard but you have always come through the other side with a smile on your face. Their is a reason you are the Paragon of Hope, it's because you're one of the most hopeful people I have ever met and you have one of the biggest hearts. That's what makes you a hero you see the good in people and give people hope."

More tears run down Kara's face as Mon-el pulls her into a hug. They stand their on the rooftop for a while embraced in each other's arms and looking at the city. Kara looks up to Mon-el,

K-"I love you."

MO-"I love you too."

Mon-el gives her a gently kiss before she replaces her head on his chest and relaxes back into his arms looking at the city.

K-"Can we stay here a while?"

MO-"Of course we can."

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