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𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 last night's situation to a awfully frightened Pavarti and Lavender, the two seemed relieved. As they had already completed exams, they were ready to go home for the holidays. Well..Marina had one thing left to do.

As Marina entered Lupin's empty office. She sighed. The Grindylow's empty tank stood next to his battered old suitcase, which was open and nearly full. Lupin was bending over something on his desk and looked up only when Marina entered.

"Miss.Weasley, what a surprise." Lupin smiled.

"Lavender told me you were resigning."

"I'm afraid it is true," said Lupin. He started opening his desk drawers and taking out the contents.

"Well, I just wanted say. I never liked you in the my beginning, because I judged you on only what I knew. That your a werewolf. But, I realized that. Your the best teacher we've had so. I just...wanted to say thanks."

"Well. I appreciate that Miss. Weasley."


𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 was furious about Buckbeak's escape. He was convinced that Hagrid had found a way of smuggling the Hippogriff to safety, and seemed outraged that he and his father had been outwitted by a gamekeeper. Percy Weasley, meanwhile, had much to say on the subject of Sirius's escape.

"If I manage to get into the Ministry, I'll have a lot of proposals to make about Magical Law Enforcement!" PERCY told the only person who would listen — his girlfriend, Penelope.

Though the weather was perfect, though the atmosphere was so cheerful, though he knew they had achieved the near impossible in helping Sirius to freedom, Marina had never approached the end of a school year in worse spirits. And she certainly wasn't the only one who was sorry to see Professor Lupin go. The whole of Marina's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was miserable about his resignation.

"Wonder what they'll give us next year?" said Lavender gloomily.

"Maybe a vampire," suggested Pavarti hopefully.

The exam results came out on the last day of term. Marina had passed all her subjects. She was amazed that he had got through Divination. Plus Snape's behavior toward Marina over the past week had been quite alarming. Marina wouldn't have thought it possible that Snape's dislike for her could increase, but it certainly had. A muscle twitched unpleasantly at the corner of Snape's thin mouth every time he looked at Marina, and he was constantly flexing his fingers, as though itching to place them around her throat.

Percy had got his top-grade N.E.W.T.s; Fred and George had scraped a handful of O.W.L.s each.

Gryffindor House, meanwhile, largely thanks to their spectacular performance in the Quidditch Cup, had won the House championship for the third year running. This meant that the end of term feast took place amid decorations of scarlet and gold, and that the Gryffindor table was the noisiest of the lot, as everybody celebrated.

As the Hogwarts Express pulled out of the station the next morning, Marina walked into Hogsmade Station with her two friends.

"I'm going to say goodbye to Hermione." Marina told them. They both nodded as Marina walked up to Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

"I went to see Professor McGonagall this morning, just before breakfast. I've decided to drop Muggle Studies." Hermione told them.

"But you passed your exam with three hundred and twenty percent!" said Ron.

"I know," sighed Hermione, "but I can't stand another year like this one. That Time-Turner, it was driving me mad. I've handed it in. Without Muggle Studies and Divination, I'll be able to have a normal schedule again."

"I still can't believe you didn't tell us about it," said Ron grumpily. "We're supposed to be your friends."

"It's not that big of a deal. She's going to lose it anyway." Marina said.

"Oh, cheer up, Harry!" said Hermione sadly.

"I'm okay," said Harry quickly. "Just thinking about the holidays."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about them too," said Ron. "Harry, you've got to come and stay with us. I'll fix it up with Mum and Dad, then I'll call you. I know how to use a fellytone now —"

"A telephone, Ron," said Hermione and Marina.

"Honestly, you should take Muggle Studies next year..." Ron ignored Hermione.

"It's the Quidditch World Cup this summer! How about it, Harry? Come and stay, and we'll go and see it! Dad can usually get tickets from work."

"I know! I'm so excited! I saw in Seeker Weekly Bulgaria is in it this year. I've already got my red paint ready!" Marina shrieked.

"Yeah... I bet the Dursleys'd be pleased to let me come... especially after what I did to Aunt Marge..." Harry mumbled.

"Well I'll see you in the summer Granger. And Ron at home." Marina told them.

"And me?" Harry smiled.

Marina flicked his head as she walked off.

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