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𝐈𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 since Marina and Pavarti had received their detention. And it just so happened that Lavender wouldn't stop telling the two girls off, which resulted with Pavarti and Marina being at least five minutes late for their detention with McGonagall. As much as Marina hated missing dinner, she was deeply grateful to have detention with Professor McGonagall rather than Professor Amycus Carrow.

"Good evening Patil and Weasley." said Professor McGonagall as Pavarti and Marina entered the transfiguration classroom.

"Good evening Professor McGonagall," Pavarti replied.

"Good evening Professor." Marina said.

"For tonight's detention you will be cleaning my dusty classroom floors...without magic." McGonagall stated as she handed the two girls two Muggle brooms.

Marina had guessed that this broom was used for cleaning, and surely not Quidditch. As she snd Pavarti started to sweep away, McGonagall sat at her desk and continued to grade papers.

Within a few minutes, Pavarti's stomach started to rumble.

McGonagall looked up from her graded papers and gave Pavarti a very serious look.

Pavarti chuckled nervously. "Oh, sorry about that Professor. I'm just a bit hungry...cause we're not eating dinner...we're in detention.....and I should stop talking now."

Pavarti and Marina proceeded with their sweeping as McGonagall stood from her chair.

"You both walked into my classroom for your first lesson six years ago. And even then I knew you both would be something extraordinary." McGonagall stated. "But, extraordinary has its consequences. For instance, Pavarti cannot control her ability to see future events."

Pavarti and Marina gasped.

"Since when in Merlin's bosoms did you know I'm a Seer?!" Pavarti shrieked.

"Since the second you walked into my classroom six years ago, and got yourself a bloody nose from your utter clumsiness." McGonagall said leaning on her desk.

Marina started to snicker as she remembered when she, Lavender, and Pavarti entered McGonagall's classroom for their first lesson. And of course, Pavarti had tripped on a desk and caused herself a bloody nose on their first day at Hogwarts.

"You can't say anything! Harry and you were partners for our first potions class, he accidentally dropped your reading glasses in the potion. You were angry at him for the rest of the year!" Pavarti teased.

"As I was saying to you both, Marina cannot control her anger. Which caused you both detention with Carrow." McGonagall added.
"And Hogwarts is not what is was before. Do you have any idea of what horrid things that Death-Eater of a professor was going to punish you both with? He is working for You-Know-Who! Carrow has got the Ministry and You-Know-Who's army wrapped around his finger! You both could end up dead or in Azkaban by the end of the year if you don't start behaving in Carrow's class. And I do not want to lose one of my favori I mean beloved students. You need to be careful."

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