Kusuo Saiki hc's

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The disastrous life of Saiki

● he would randomly teleport to your room

● you are the only person he can tolerate

● on the weekend you two will have movie marathons whilst eating coffee jelly

● not a touchy person but will hug you sometimes

● he loves when you ask him for help

● trusts you enough to talk about himself to you

● his parents go crazy when they see you (in a good way)

● in private he would give you temple and forehead kisses

● he is more open with you than anyone else

● he deeply cares about your wellbeing and knows when you are lying

● he is quite protective over you

● he would pat your head all of the time

● he always knows what you want and he will use that to his advantage

● he melts at the sight of sweets

● when you are upset he will pull you aside and push your head into his chest so you can listen to his heartbeat to help calm you down

● if he really wants attention he will nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck

● he would do anything for you especially if it included coffee jelly

● you dont annoy him at all in fact he  enjoys it when you mess with him a little

● a few of your dates are in the middle of the ocean on an island where it is calm and peaceful

● he found out that you like him by reading your mind (🤭) and then you stared secretly dating (you both didn't want the drama and attention)

● he will help you study

● he is a rare big spoon if you are cuddling

● he would say random things inside your head in class just to watch your reactions to them, however if you were in class and he saw you were struggling or overwhelmed he would also comfort you and offer to help so you dont feel like that

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