Tobio Kageyama hc's

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● he will always give you his hoodies to wear

● he wont ever admit it but holding your hand melts his heart

● he loves when you play with his hair

● he loves hugging you from behind and having his head rest on top of yours

● his love language is sharing so he will always be sharing something with you like his food, clothes, jackets etc, even if you dont ask

● he gets jealous pretty easily but is good at hiding it

● he will fall asleep on you all the time especially after volleyball

● once he gets comfortable with you he will randomly come and lay his head on your lap and rant to you whilst you play with his hair

● when you talk he just stares at you and your facial features (in a good way ofcourse)

● he would let you tie his hair up into a little bun to do skin care with you

● he pouts when you study and dont pay attention to him

● he blushes everytime you give him a kiss

● he used to hate being touched but now he has to be holding your hand at all times


● if another guy is looking at you the chances are they will get a volleyball to the face

● he will definitely tease you because of your height no matter how tall you are compared to him

● you're best friends with Hinata and have a love-hate relationship with Tsukki which annoys Kags

● he is always a big softie around you

● he is a terrible baker but he tries

● he loves it when you go and watch his practice and come to support him at his games

● if you two were to ever get into an arguement the likelihood is that he will be the first person to apologise as he is scared you will leave him and he will begin to miss you after a short while

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