Killua Zoldyck hc's

130 4 2

Hunter x Hunter
(aged up to like 14/15)

● whenever you're down he will play video games with you

● he shares his chocolate robots with you even though he doesn't do that with anyone

● he does your hair for you

● gives you forehead kisses when you're upset

● he teases you 24/7 but never enough to hurt you

● makes sure you know how much you mean to him by leaving you notes, random hugs and rifling your hair

● he always let you win play fights so that you can feel tough

● boops and pinches your nose everyday

● he hates showing affection in public since since its awkward for him but sometimes he holds your hand when he notices you are scared or worried

● calls you cute when you're mad

● let's you wear his clothes

● I just know he gives the best hugs

● he loves the way you smile and it always makes him warm and fuzzy

● you guys always skateboard together at the park and he will teach you new tricks to do when you're there

● he will always get embarrassed when you call him cute names but he loves it at the same time

● he goes crazy if you are out of his sight even if it is for a second. it terrifies him

● if you ever get scared during a movie he will wrap you in a blanket and he will pull you into his chest

● he stares at you and gets really flustered when you catch him

● you like playing with his hair because its goofy and he quite likes it

● sleepovers with gon

● wrestling and pillow fights constantly

● his room is messy so you clean it for him every week and it brings a smile to his face

● he really wants to show you off to his family but you both know it isn't a good idea as you might die but get it I guess

● let's you take his hoodies and sweaters

● he almost never opens the curtains

● he likes being small spoon as it makes him feel safe and protected

● gon is usually with you alot and he doesn't mind third wheeling with you

● you both plan to run away together

● playfully shocks you

● he will hide you from hisoka

● he will threaten anyone who hurts you

● acts like he doesn't care but sometimes he cries himself to sleep as he doesn't think he is enough for you and he is scared of you leaving him

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