Reiner Braun angst (spoilers)

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Attack on Titan 


(this is slightly different so bare with me. These are also toxic/sad hcs and small scenarios so if you dont want to read it then please skip)

- if you were a warrior he would point out everything about you that he thinks is wrong and he would enjoy seeing you in that type of pain as it reminds him of the pain he felt when he lost Bertholdt, it the soul crushing pain that leaves you broken in many ways 

- Reiner would remind you that he only pities you and that when he dies his feelings wont change and you will still remain no one to him 

-  when Reiner transformed and looked at you, he saw the heartbroken look in your eyes and ran off. When he got out of his titans body, he started screaming and broke down because he knows how much he hurt you and how you will never be able to love or trust him the same way ever again

- if you were to die in Reiners arms he would blame himself for not being able to protect you and would never really trust himself again. His life would then become meaningless and he would lose his fight to live, he would no longer fight to get home he would just fight for the sake of fighting and hope that the result would lead him closer to you. 

- if Reiner was to die in your arms however, he would encourage you to live the rest of your life to the fullest and how he will die with no regrets besides him not marrying you. He would make sure that the last thing he saw was your smile as that will make everything better for him and no matter the outcome he would die a happy man with his partner at his side 

- when Reiner makes big mistakes he will always blame it on his past and he never really takes responsibility until its too late 

- Reiner is aware that his life will soon end and before he dies he wishes to make the burden on you as light as possible therefore he will always find ways to pick at you in order for you to lose feelings towards him and eventually hate him as he knows thats the only way to keep you safe from his death 

- back in Marley, if his mother was to not like you he would leave you immediately as he values his family more than any relationship 

- some of Reiners best years were on Paradis as he was in a place were he could fit in and he wasnt ridiculed for being Eldian. Within the walls he had found a sense of home without being at home but he knew once the beast titan appeared that his life wasnt so perfect being a warrior 

- Reiner is slowly starting to forget things about Bert and Annie and it terrifies him so he tries to merge their small habits into his day to day life so he feels like he always has a piece of them with him at all times and that they will never be forgotten  

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