Chapter 11. My Final Grudgby Match

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Boscha's POV

Four days have passed and tomorrow was my last Grudgby game. My friends and I were going to play against Glandus. Not gonna lie, but they are a tough opponent to go against. The other schools were pretty easy to take down, but when it comes to Glandus, they're pretty strong to handle. I really wasn't looking forward to the game. Instead, I was excited that Willow would be at the game, cheering me on. I'd definitely do my best to impress her during my match. I'll make sure to take home the championship and have Willow feel proud of me. I will win the game for her.

"Boscha quit daydreaming about Willow and help me figure out the answer to problem number three," Skara pulled me out of my thoughts.

"I was not daydreaming about Willow, Skara," I reddened.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Focus on our worksheet. We need to turn it in by the end of class and I am not trying to get in trouble along with you just because you're thinking about a certain plant witch."

"What're you talking about? I already finished my work."

"What? How?!" Skara was surprised.

"Don't ask. Just copy off of me," I remarked.

"If you say so," Skara began copying my work.

"You ready for tomorrow's game?" I asked.

"Yeah I am. It's going to be epic. I can't for everybody to watch us play after school. I'm looking forward to our group seeing our match against Glandus. Even better that your future girlfriend will be there," she nudged me with a smug on her face.

"Shut it Skara. You know we're just friends and nothing more."

"I know. I bet you twenty snails that you'll get distracted by Ms. Park when we play."

"You really believe that I will get distracted during our match?"

"Well yeah. You can't keep your eyes off of Willow. Even if you look away, your third eye sticks on Willow."

"How in the titan do you even notice that?!" I freaked out.

"You're so oblivious, Boscha. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Willow knew about your huge crush on her."

"I'm not that oblivious plus if Willow knew she would probably run away from me."

"And why do you say that?"

"She'll think I'm weird for having a crush on her."

"Can I slap you?" Skara rested her head against her hand.

"Uh no?"

"Dang. I would slap you for being an idiot. You know it's normal to have crushes. I know Willow would feel appreciated that you like her. When the time is right, you should tell her about your feelings. Who knows, someone else might have a crush on her," Skara winked at me.

"They better not. I'd crush them," I threatened.

"Well get to it girl. Make a move on her and drop hints."

"I'll try."


That's our cue to leave class.

"Turn in my work for me please. I'm meeting up with Willow and Amity right now."

"Sure thing. Have fun with your lover."

"We're not lovers Skara," I walked out of class and headed for the lockers where Willow and Amity will meet me at.

I strolled past some classrooms and saw Willow already getting her books from her locker. I went up to her, putting my left arm around her shoulder as a friendly gesture.

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