A Lover {22}

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Acerbas my first love. My first husband. The scene changed to our room in my castle in Tyre.

"Acerbas, have you seen my purple detailed dress!" Young me yelled to my first husband who was in the room over.

"No Elissa I haven't. I will be going to meet with your brother later though." He said as he walked thorough our door.

"Oh okay. Good luck. I love you." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

Time flew. We watched as everything went extremely fast as it wasn't important. Forwarding to night time.

Young me crawled into bed and slept. She slept and slept.

We were pulled into the dream with her.

In front of us was Acerbas.

"Elissa I'm so sorry." He walked up to her.

"What's wrong love." She whispered. Part of her knew what had happened. Call it a gut feeling.

"Your brother Pygmalion, killed me. He thought he could take my riches and the throne completely." He smiled sadly.

"No no no no. Your not dead your off on a quest love." She cried.

"I'm sorry Elissa. I'm not on a quest it's what your brother told you. I have to go now. I love you very much." We were pulled from the dream just as younger me woke up. Crying. Sobbing. She wanted him to come back. She knew he was dead.

I turned around and walked out.

"The next one will be the one I showed Wanda. Wanda if you wish to stay out here during it that'd be fine." I smiled sadly at her she didn't need that again.

"The one she came out crying from?" Vision asked

"Yes Vision." I didn't smile or anything this time.

"Why did she cry?" Steve asked.

"It's one of the worser memories I have." I nodded. Why did I nod I have no clue.

"I'll stay out here." She smiled sweetly to me. It was nice to have someone so innocent.

"Okay." I said and walked to another door. I opened it and walked in letting the rest follow.

The old me walked into the throne room. A dress flowing behind me.

"Pygmalion! Why have you killed my husband!" The old me yelled. It looked like she was confident but I knew I was broken. The team did not.

"Because the people respect you more than me! You have more persuasion on them, but now I shall control you. If you value your life you'll submit to letting me have the crown! This splitting the crown is stupid Elissa." He yelled at her. Two guards came up from behind her drawing swords. Threatening to take her life...

"Have it your way..." she whispered. She reached down, the guards were confused. They didn't understand if they were to back down. Unfortunately they looked up to their king, when they did they both got a knife to the chest. "Just because I am a woman, does not mean you can treat me as a servant brother. We are equals." She was dangerously calm.

She turned around to walk out when she was met with a knife going through her stomach. She gasped. The guard pulled the knife out and she stumbled back holding the wound inflicted by someone of hers and her brothers city. Instead of Wanda crying out in pain. Natasha did.

She turned to face her brother... "what have you done, the people will never respect you or follow you." She whispered now from weakness. "No they will not. The city will go to chaos, you will become the most hated king in all of the lands." She spoke, after she finished she stumbled up to her brother and spat blood into his face. "No wonder father never favored you." With that she walked away.

Natasha was crying, Bucky had tears, Steve seemed broken, Sam and James seemed lost, Loki and Thor looked down to the ground, Tony seemed shaken, he was breathing heavily and shaking a little. I just broke everyone.

I didn't shed a single tear this time watching the memory unfold itself. Why? Beats the crap out of me.

I let everyone walk out before I did. The only difference this made was me wishing I hadn't killed my brother sooner.

"I'm glad I killed you." I snarled under my breath.

I walked out and joined the team.

"I'm sorry, I know it's a rough one. I have worse. Ones I would not like to show you." I sighed.

I walked to the door next to the last one. It was me leaving Tyre.

"This one is happier I promise." I smiled and walked through.

The scene changed to me on the docks with some of my people.

"My Queen are you sure you don't want medical attention, you had a knife go into your stomach?" A loyal guard asked.

"I'm fine Asten" Young me smiled to him.

"Okay..." He sounds worried.

"Wounds back then were a death sentence..." I whispered to everyone. "If it wasn't for my stupid immortality I'd have died when I was only 16. It's the first time my brother tried to kill me." I explained.

We watched as young me and other loaded the ships with riches and supplies. I'd set sail and never return.

It wasn't a long memory but it was important. We watched as we all boarded our ships.

"Wither and decay... end this destiny... break these earthly chains... an set the spirit free... take what has been hurt.. grant them no mercy... bend and break the reigns... and set the spirit free... the spirit free." A voice sang, whisperingly across the lake.

"What the hell..." I mumbled "oh my grandfather Poseidon... GET OUT!!" I yelled at them. I pushed them all out of the door.

I ran out and pushed the door closed as quickly as possible... we just almost watched fricken terrifying scene.

"No no no," I whispered.

Someone messed with my memories, they changed it to a nightmare. I know that because it's my nightmare.

"What do you mean someone changed your memories?" Wanda asked shocked.

"Wanda stay out of my head while we are in my head" I sighed. I seriously have no energy.

"Someone messed with your head? How do you know?" Steve asked.

"We almost just watched a terrifying fake version of that memory. It's a nightmare of a nightmare." I whispered.

'I'm tired Loki. I want to be alone. Not poking around in my head.'
Tears were prickling in my eyes. I looked up to Loki. He only had pity on his face.

"Can we be done today. We can come back anytime you wish... if you leave me in peace." I was directing my words to Steve.

"Sure, I expect you to let us come back. It's the only way for us to trust you." He explained.

Everything started to crumble. The doors around us turned to liquid and vanished.

"No no no," I yelled, I pushed my mist out, I was trying to get us out.

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