Ashton Imagine

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Soo first imagine. Hope you like it! 


Ashton Irwin

You have always been a fan of 5sos and your favourite band member was Ashton Irwin. One day you were able to get tickets to 5sos's concert. 

You exited the car and headed towards the line. Once you  were inside your heart was beating quickly as you waited for the boys to come out. 

Finally the screams of the crowd became louder as flashes of different colored lights filled the arena. You saw Michael, Luke and Calum come out of the stage, your heart accelerated twice as fast as Ashton came out.  You screamed as loud as you could and so did the other Ashton fans in the crowd. As soon as they settled down on to their places they played 4 songs, Unpredictable, Try Hard, Heartbreak Girl, and She Looks SO Perfect (SLSP). As they played the 4 songs you would always look at Ashton, and for a second you thought he winked at you but the girl behind you started screaming " he winked at me " and "OMG " and by the way she was gorgeus so you knew it was not you and it would never be you compared to her.

As their concert came to an end they decided to sing their new song named Beside You. As you heard the song, tears were filling in your eyes as you remembered your big brother. He was the best, he would sleep beside you when you were scared, and he would always protect you no matter what. But then he joined the military when he turned 19. He had to leave the day after your birthday to go to Afghanistan, you were broken heartedd and you missed him terribly. You told him before he left " Dont leave " but instead he crouched down to only say he has to. 

The following days you couldnt sleep because you were scared, and every night you wished he was there to accompany you. After 3 months you were told that he died in the field and you were so broken and depressed. You never left your room except when you go to school which you hardly go to.

Hoping that something would help you cheer up, you scroll through youtube and you see " 5 Seconds of Summer Unpredictable " and you clicked. As you heard their song a smile formed on your face and for once it wasnt a fake smile it was a real and genuine one. You continued to watch more of their videos and you fell inlove.  

So as their song came to an end you bolted out for the exit and found yourself outside crying on a hard wooden bench. You silently cried outside as hapy people were inside screaming in joy, smiling and having fun. Your crying slowly became more toned down until you were now only silently crying.  

" Excuse me Miss " a familiar voice said beside you. You did not dare turn to him because you knew you looked terrible especially after you cried so you just kept your head down as you fumbled with the charm your brother gave to you on your birthday before he left.  And one tear fell from your eyes and landed on the charm.

" Why are you crying " the anonymous person asked you but you still didnt answer or look up. Just then the person took your chin and lifted your head up so you will be able to see him. 

You gasped as you saw the one and only Ashton Irwin with you outside sitting on a park bench and as he held your chin up. 

" Now tell me why are you crying " Ashton asked. 

In embarrassment due to your appearance you turned your head away.

" Why are you here with a nobody like me. You should be inside with your friends and your other fans who are a somebody, but not me " you said in a voice barely heard. 

" You are not a nobody, your a somebody just as I am a somebody. Now tell me why you're crying " Ashton says to you as you turn your head back to him. 

" Well I miss my brother. I wish he could be beside me. But hes not. He was the best you know. Then he joined the military and left the day after my birthday. It sucks. He would always sleep beside me when I was scared at night which happened alot. After 3 months we were told that he died in the field. I was depressed until I saw one of your videos. You guys cheered me up. Alot. " you say staring at the charm he gave you.  

" Im sorry, but a pretty lady like you shouldn't be crying. I get that your sad and all and that you miss your brother but think of it this way, he wouldnt want you to cry every single time youre reminded of him, he wants you to be happy and just smile about the memories you guys made together not cry about it. " he said. 

" I guess youre right. And by the way your delusional to think I am pretty "  I said chuckling. 

" Oh really? Well sorry to burst your bubble but im not delusional im pretty normal. " he said chuckling. 

" I dont believe you though " I said.

" Well believe it 'cause you are the prettiest girl ive ever met. Why did you think I winked at you " he said smiling showing his two deep dimples.

" You winked at me?! I thought it was the girl behind me. Like come on she was gorgeous " you said shocked.  

He chuckled at your surprised reaction. " Well it was you ... " he said not knowing your name yet. 

" ( Y/ N ) " you said blushing. 

" Well a beautiful face deserves a beautiful name, and the name ( Y/ N ) just fit perfectly " he says as you blush even more. 

" Thank you " you said. 

" Hey look I have to go back in so can you put your phone number in here so I can call you sometime " he asks. 

" Okay sure " you say as you take his phone and save your phone number in it. 

" Oky thanx now i need a contact photo, say cheese " he says as he positions the camera for a picture of the two of you. 

" Cheese " you both say. He then looks at the photo and puts it as the contact photo. 

" Can you send me that photo " you asks and he nod sending you the picture. 

Your phone buzzed and you checked and the photo was sent to you by Ashton. You quickly save his number. You then ask if you could take a picture and he obliges. You have one normal, funny face and one where he kissed you on the cheek. He also signed your phone case. 

" Well see you around ( Y/ N ) " he says waving goodbye.

" Goodbye Ashton " you wave back as he left. 



So how did you guys like it? I hope you guys did! Anyways requests are open if you want me to create one for you. 




P.s. Follow me on twitter @mysterious_5sos 

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