Chapter 5

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Simone's POV

"Holy fuck! Is that Harry Styles?" Pete gasps, eyes wide, mouth wide open, probably jaw dropped on the floor.

"Sshh, don't tell anyone! I'm Harry." The man says as he walks over to us. As soon as he was close enough, I can smell his perfume filling up my lungs.

I am still shock at this. I feel like I'm so high right now even though I've never tried smoking before.

Pete offers his hand and Harry gladly accepts it.

"Oh my god! Best night ever! I'm Pete by the way!" Pete excitedly introduces himself. He knew him more than I know this guy. I literally had to google him just to find out who he was.

As I remember what happened last night, my cheeks started blushing and I bit my lip praying that I do not slip anything I did before today.

He then turns to me and my god, he has the most precious green eyes I have ever seen.

"And you are?" He asks raising his eyebrows, offering his hand for a hand shake.

I look at his hand and then his face. I then slowly take it, and literally my hands felt so little compared to his.

"I... I am Simone." I stammer a little bit and I did a mental slap on my face for embarrassing myself at the first encounter.

"You have a beautiful name. It's Hebrew by the way." He says smiling and pointing out. My eyes widen. He knows my name? The meaning behind it?

"Oh you know it?" I ask and he chuckles nodding his head.

"I might be a little drunk or something but I pretty sure can remember that it means to hear or to listen." He says laughing at the end and I laugh too.

I realize I was still holding his hand so I let go of it quickly, feeling like the red isn't going away anytime soon.

I hear Pete laugh and I look at him and he's smirking. I shake my head and look away from him.

"Now we can go. Harry you come with us." Mitch says and Harry nods his head. I walk over to my car grabbing the keys from my pocket and unlocking the doors. I got inside the driver seat as everyone steps inside the car. I start the car at the same time I put my seatbelt on. I look to my right and found Harry. I felt a little bit uncomfortable and shy to sit next to this person.

"Where are we going?" He asks and looks at me and I look away trying not to make eye contact. I hear him chuckle a little as I start moving the car out of the parking space. I look at the rearview mirror and found Pete doing the same just behind me.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive? I can do it." Mitch says and I chuckle shaking my head. He's a bit worried about me just puking my guts out earlier and now driving four people.

"I'm fine, don't worry I can still manage. I've got it all out haven't I?" I joked and Harry chuckles next to me. I feel like I'm making fun of myself here.

"I think she can manage perfectly Mitch. Mind your own business with your girlfriend." Harry sarcastically says looking back at Mitch while the other just rolled his eyes and wraps his arms around Sarah.

Oh, they're together... I thought for a second that Mitch took a liking at Pete but I guess he's just nice and trying to be friendly.

"How long have you two been together if I may ask?" I say keeping my eyes on the road, making a smooth left. Delia's is not that far from here.

"Oh, almost two years now. Thanks to this lad, I met this beautiful woman." Mitch pats Harry's shoulders and looks at Sarah smiling widely.

"Sure. I'm great at match making." He replies and I turn to look at him and found him leaning on the window.

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