Chapter 1

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Simone's POV

I am getting impatient, I do not need to be stuck in this traffic, sigh, what can you expect when its the time where everyone leaves their work to go home and rest. I'm just like everyone else.

I hear the cars surrounding me honk asynchronously, I bet they're cursing the streetlight and the people in front of them. Someone's probably cursing me the fuck out of their mouth. I could care less.

"What should I do?" I mumble to myself.

I look around my car trying to find anything entertaining, but all I could see is my bag on the passenger seat and the radio.

I own a black 2017 Honda Civic that I bought at second-hand, I could never afford to buy a brand new one, at least not for now. 

Right now, my priorities are straight, and thats saving enough money to buy a new house and start a new chapter of my life.

I really feel like I'm stuck at this era where all I do is just work and work, that I forgot that I am also a human sometimes. It's really frustrating when life gets harder and harder everyday but I know that I just have to strive in order to pass these struggles I have.

I couldn't choose myself before, but now I can finally say that, its for me.

I'm working for me now. I used to work for my family, and I still do, but right now its more of a reason for myself.

I helped my mom pay the bills and the tuition fee's of my siblings, might I mention, four siblings. We have twins, another boy and another girl, to my bad-luck, I am the eldest of them all.

The twins finally graduated last month, they promised me that from now on, they will help with everything. My baby brother is in his last year in college and I just cannot wait for him to graduate and finally have a life of his own. My baby sister is still in high-school, so it wouldn't really be a big problem anymore to us.

Reve and Arcene are the twins, Mich is my baby brother and Ellie is my baby sister. In short, there's five of us and a single mom. Good lord.

I take pride in this family. Simply because it warms my heart to know that I've helped them to where they are now. They might not be professionals today but I'm sure they'll get to it some day!

We're originally from Utah but my mom and dad got divorced and my mom got us all and left dad there. She went straight back to her home, where her parents live. Wyoming.

Yes, I live in Wyoming. It really is a place thats meant for me. I feel safe, I feel happy and free here compared to other states thats full of noise, buildings and pollution. Wyoming is surrounded by mountains and nature itself. Also its less populous compared to others.

but to be honest, I would also love to travel the world. I wouldn't mind how noisy it would be, how many buildings are there. I want to know everyones culture. I want to meet people around the world. I want to experience different kind of lifestyles and how harder someone might have compared to me.

Finally, I was able to drive out of that traffic. I drive past people who were still honking their cars and I couldn't help and smirk at the feeling of success.

As I drive myself home, the sky is starting to darken as the sun sets. It's always beautiful to drive home. I get to see the beautiful mountains and the never-ending road. I decided to turn the radio on so the experience gets more beautiful.

I read the title of the song cherry, and it starts out in all instrumental before someone started singing.

I couldn't help but find the song nice and actually kinda makes me reminisce some memories I had before.

Don't you call him baby

We're not talking lately

Don't you call him what you used to call me

This man is singing his heartache. I could hear it in his voice how much he loves this woman who probably left him.

Sometimes, we really need to be careful with love. We can be wild but we need to stay fully awake. Fully awake to know that the person you're sharing your bed with is the person you're going to share the rest of your life with.

I sigh as I take a turn left and enter the pathway to my house.

Short intro of the story! I know I'm sorry don't be mad but next one is a long one 😊

Also the chapters are all unedited! So I hope you understand! 😊

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