❌Part 15❌

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Crystal P.O.V

After that amazing kiss I stood up and looked at him. "I love you." He said. I just smiled at him but still I couldn't say it back to him. I felt sorry for Troy.. "As your doing fine again, I think we should go back to school." I said. Troy noded. "What's the time?" I asked him. He looked at his wrist and I expected him to wear a watch but he didn't. "I don't know." He said and smiled. "Funny." I said sarcastic. He smiled at me and chuckled. I walked to the school door and looked at the clock. It was 10 o'clock. Troy did the same, at least he can walk now.
"C'mon we can go home, it's just one hour left." He said to me. "Same." I said to him we were on our way to leave school, as the school bell ring. "Sh*t." Troy said.
We were walking fast now.

Troy P.O.V

"Wait, were are you two going?" Asked a teacher as we turned around to face him. "Ehmm..w-we-" I was cut off by Crystal. She took me by my waist. "Troy is not doing well." She said while she was holding me. I was feeling great actually because of her touching me.
"He could walk back there though." Said the teacher and crossed his arms. "No, he was trying to walk." Crystal said to the teacher. He still looked at us with his arms crossed and raised his eyebrow. "Alright you can go." He said and walked away. "It actually worked." I said and looked at Crystal. "Thank me later." She said and smirked at me.

We arrived at Crystal's house, I had to convince her. "What now?" She asked me as we entered the door. "Don't know." I shrugged and smiled at her. "I have a question." She said to me. "Yeah." I looked at her expectful. "Are you still hanging out with your friends?" She asked. "Zac is my mate but I don't really see the other ones." I said and shrugged. "It's just that I don't want it to be my fault." Crystal had a concerned face expression.

I heard her door ring. "Who could this be." She asked more to herself. I watched her walking to the door but couldn't really see who it was because I was sitting on her couch.
"What are you doing here?!" I heard her hiss. "I wanted to get you from school but you weren't there and why are you hissing?" A voice asked which I couldn't quit recognize. "Just leave please." Crystal know said more sweet. That was the point where I decided to walk to her. I saw Luke standing there and sighed in the inside because he was so annoying. It was obvious that he liked Crystal.

"Is there a problem?" I stepped into their conversation. "What are you doing here?" Luke muttered under his breath. Crystal turned around to face me but then looked at Luke again. "I'm just visiting her." I said and put on the most fake smile ever. "I see you don't need me then so bye." Luke said and walked away. "No w-" I heard Crystal talking back. "Let him be." I contradicted her. "Why did you have to jump in?" She asked annoyed. "I just wanted to check who was at the door." I said. "Look what you've done." She said and pointed at the door, where Luke just left. "It's not my fault!" I said to her and she closed the door. "It's clearly not mine either!" She talked back to me in the same tone as I did to her.
I sighed.

"I hate it when we fight." I said and looked at her in the eyes. "Luke is always nice and he doesn't deserve that treatment from you!" She insisted blather about it even more. "Why are you so mad anyways, you didn't treat him any better." I stated. "What do you mean by that?" She asked irritated. She knew I was going to bring that up. "You know it and I think it was a dumb idea but because you did it for me, I thought it was cute." I smirked at her. Her cheeks flushed red. "Not true." She said still blushing. "Crystal, I overheard you and I've told you, so you can't deny it." I said and crossed my arms because her behaviour was dumb. "And I'm being honest, it makes me feel special." I said and smiled. "Where did your old self go?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow.

She was right. I've changed just for her but it was a good change. I started to sound like a girl. I always told Crystal that I love her and these words never escaped my mouth before or should I say my old self never said these romantic things. To answer Crystal's question I just shrugged.
"It's weird." She said.

I took out my phone. My display showed me that it already was 1PM.

"Hey, wanna go out ?" I asked Crystal. "Sure, can we go to the mall." She asked me with a puppy face. I sighed because I don't like shopping but anyway. "Let's go." I said and we walked out.

Arrived at the mall, the first thing we did was going to Starbucks. The guy at the asked Crystal for her name.
"Crystal." She said and smiled at him. "Nice name." He said and she chuckled, why doesn't she smile at me like that ? I immediately felt horrible, I also was jealous.
"Thank you." She said amd that guy noded at her.
My heart ache, I don't know why I react like that.
"What do you want to order?" That guy asked me as he saw that I was with Crystal here. "Nothing but I'll pay." I said and gave him the money for Crystal's Starbucks.
"You didn't have to pay but thank you." She said and smiled. I weakly smiled at her back. We waited for the Starbucks and I looked at the ground.
"What's wrong?" She asked and looked at me concerned.
She shouldn't even act like she cares. "Do you really care?" I asked but regretted it afterwoods.
"What kinda question it that?!" She asked irritated. "No just forget it." I said and shook my head.
"No Troy. I don't understand your problem!" She said and started to look angry.

She took her Starbucks and then we sat down. "Tell me." She said and sipped on her Starbucks. "What?" I looked at her.
"Your question it's bothering me!" She said.
"Listen it's not easy for me my situation is not the best." I said and clearly was talking about her not having feelings for me.

"Can we just forget about it?" I asked. "No we can't! You're confusing." She said.
"How am I confusing, ever thought about I feel? You fake dated Luke to make me jealous and it was not fun. It hurts for me seeing you with other guys!" I argued because I was getting pissed.

"It doesn't feel any better seeing you kissing other girls!" She said and screamed it back.
"Crystal, that's why I've changed." I said and looked her deep in the eyes.
"Just because of you." I said.


Happy valentine's day everyone 💛💛💛💛💘💘

Thanks for 1k!!!!❤❤❤❤❤🃏🎊🌌

Hope you still enjoy my story.




Xoxo: Lara

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