❌Part 1❌

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Crystal P.O.V

Hi everyone my name is Crystal Morris. I am 14 years old and I go to the Marble Hill school. There's nothing really to say about me.

It's actually 7:10 am, so I need to get to school.
At school I meet my friends Zoey, Riley and my best friend Camila. Camila and I know eachother since we are 5 years old and we do everything together.
"Hey Girls." I said to them.
"Hi Crystal." Zoey Riley and Camila said in unison.
Today is wednesday which means that we have a free afternoon.
"Crystal ?" Zoey asked me.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Lately I've seen Troy staring at you. At that point where it's getting kinda creepy." she said.
I just twitched with my shoulders.
Troy Glass he is the douchebag of our school. He's been with a lot of girls even thought he's only 14 years old. He hurts girls feelings daily. I mean yes of course he looks good his eyes are wonderful but his personality destroys it. I've never really spoke to him so it's weird that he stares at me. Whatever.

The school bell rings and everyone starts to enter the school. There's pushing and crowded people, overall it's a mess so I just decided to wait until I can pass the school door with ease. It looks like I'm not the only one with that idea.
I see Troy waiting too but I just don't mind I slowly start making my way to the door.
I squeeze myself through the door and see that Troy passed the door at the same time, which means that he was all over me but I didn't overthink the situation I just hurried to make my way to my classroom.

As I was making my way I noticed that I have maths.
Noooo I don't want to.
My only friend in math class is Riley.
I enter the room and take a seat next to Riley.

After school

Camila and I just came out of school. We just had art and I suck at it ._. but I still like the class.
"Do you wanna go shopping ?" I asked Camila.
And she nodded.
The shopping thing basically became a habit.
We really like to go to the mall even though we don't buy anything we still go.
Great logic right.

Camila lives 5 minutes away from me so we can always walk together.
"I need to tell you something." Camila said to me.
"Alright say it then." I told her.
"Today in the 10'o clock break I've heard one of Troy's friends say-" I interruped Camila.
"I don't even wanna know, Zoey mentioned Troy already this morning and I've got nothing to do with him." I snapped at her.
"Right but Crystal that one friend said: Next on the Troy Glass girlfriends list Crystal Morris." she said to me.
No way !
"Camila don't be scared I'm not that dumb, I'm not gonna fall for him." I said to her.


New Story !!
This is a short chapter but they are gonna get longer promise 🙊




Wow haven't said that in a while 🙊

Xoxo: Lara

Douchebags don't change❌ • Troy Glass FF •Where stories live. Discover now