❌Part 16❌

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Very Short A/N I've updated Part 15 yesterday already I don't know if you readers knew because I didn't get a notification!! So please Part 15 is up so don't be confused if you didn't know. First read Part 15then come back here.❤️
Troy P.O.V

She looked at me for seconds, then she sighed.
"Can we go to Forever 21?" She asked me. I decided to drop the topic too. "Sure but don't you want to finish your Starbucks?" I asked her. "You wanna try?" She asked and started smiling.
How could she change her mood so fast. One moment she was all against me and the other she asks me to try her Starbucks..
"If I don't disgust you." I shrugged and took her Starbucks. I sipped on it and made a digusted face afterwards. Crystal looked at me in shock. "How dare you don't like Starbucks!" She screamed at me in a playfull way.

Meanwhile, we were at Forever 21. "Oh my gosh!" I heard Crystal scream. I rolled my eyes. Girls..
"I need this in my life." She said and walked to that piece of clothing she saw. "What do you think?" She asked and hold that shirt to her. "Yeah.." I said. It was a black shortsleeve shirt with a white writing on it. It said "Nothing to wear." "I need to try it!" She squeaked. She walked to the changing room and tried that shirt on. She came out to show me the shirt. "Do you like it?" She asked. It looked amazing on her. "Yes!" I sqeaked with a girly voice. "Troy." She shiged and rolled her eyes. "Why don't you get so excited when you see me?" I asked her smiling. She just shrugged and walked back to the changing room. "Wait here, I'm gonna pay real quick." She said after she changed back to her normal clothes. "No! I'll pay." I said before she could go anywhere. "Why?" She asked an pounted her lips. "Because I'm a gentleman." I said proud and took the shirt in my hand.

We walked out of Forever 21 and I handed her the bag with the shirt in it. "Thank you." Crystal said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "No probl-" I was cut off by an elderly woman. "Look at that young love." She said and amiled at us in awe.
"Oh..n-" Crystal was about to say something but I just said: "Yes I love her." I said to that woman. She looked at Crystal and told her: "Never let him go." smiled and walked away. I mean you could say we act like a couple.

"You've heard never let me go." I said and wrapped my arms around Crystal.
"We aren't even together." She said and blushed because of my hug. "Not yet." I said and smiled.
"Probably." She shrugged. "Yeah.." I said but then I realized what she said. "Wait..what?" I asked surprised because of her words. "You never know." She said and shrugged again.

"Stop it!" Crystal screamed.
After the mall we went to her house and now I was tickeling her.
"Troy! please!" She said and I was still tickeling her. "What do I get ?" I asked her smiling at her flirty. "Ehmm..you get a sandwich?" She said an looked at me to know if I would give in.
"You know what I want." I said to her. "Alright you get a kiss.." She sighed. "Yay!" i screamed like a little girl. I stopped tickeling her and put my lips on hers. I love that feeling. I put my hands on her waist and she hers to my neck. After what felt like minutes of kissing we broke apart.

I looked her deep in the eyes and then stood up to get water. Crystal's house felt like home for me, maybe because I was here every second day or maybe just because of her. I heard footsteps walking into the kitchen and I knew that it was Crystal because we were home alone.

"I've started to like you." She said out of the blue. I wasn't facing her because I was pouring water into my glass and while doing that my eyes widened in shock. My body felt numb, what did she just say? I totally forgot about the water and it flow out of the glass because I poured too much into it..

"Troy?" She asked me and walked over to me. She waved her hand infront of my face. That brought me out of my "trance". "Huh...?" I asked her. "Everyhing alright?" She asked me. "Was I dreaming back there or did you really say that?" I asked her still not sure. "I'm sure I just said that." She noded in approvemend. "Really?" I looked at her in disbelief. "Yes" She shook her head and looked at me. God she was so beautiful. I grabbed her by her waist and kissed her once again. I kept kissing every inch of her face.

Douchebags don't change❌ • Troy Glass FF •Where stories live. Discover now