sorting house

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me, ginny and her brother all took a seat in one Compartment. the boy introduced himself as Ron weasley. he seemed very smart and funny. we all chattered until a brunette looking girl and boy with glasses open our compartment door. i stare at them blankly and they stare back in confusion as to why a random girl they have never seen is sitting in their compartment.

"HARRY, HERMOINE. i missed you guys so much. i haven't seen you since the last day before christmas break started!"
ginny quickly stood up and ran to them giving them both a big hug.
"you guys look the exact same, i'm not surprised" Ginny stated with a little laugh. they rolled their eyes and turned to me.
"and you are?" Hermoine asked me in a sassy voice.

"hello nice to meet you Hermoine. i'm Ruslana Greene, it's my first day at this school. and i'm going into 5th year!!!" i placed my arm out to shake hers. she smiled and we all sat down.
"this is Harry Potter. the chosen one apparently." she giggled and he rolled his eye and put his hand out for me to shake. i gladly shook his hand. we all talked and laughed for what seemed like 3 hours until the trained started to slow down. this meant we were here. at hogwarts. in my opinion, the best wizarding school in the whole entire world. i felt butterflies flying in my stomach from how nervous i was. they all hoped i would get into gryffindor so i would be able to share a room with hermoine.


we started walking towards the entrance. we all entered hogwarts and i was shook by how big this place was.
"bloody hell this place is huge" i said shocked as we all walked inside. they all giggled and agreed instantly.

everyone had entered the great hall except for me, Avery which i had no clue were she has been was after i left her and some other people including the 1st years. Professor McGonagall told me and Avery that we had to be sorted first as we were the oldest and of course i had to go first. they pushed open the doors and everyone went quiet as i walked through to the sorting hat standing high and proud trying to look straight only and not looking nervous, but inside i was faking it. i was so scared at the amount of people that were watching me.
i saw as people were whispering to each other while staring at me. once i reached the sorting hat i sat down praying i don't get slytherin.
'hmmm she's strong, brave, smart, and doesn't care about people's opinions' i breathed heavily.
'SLYTHERIN' the sorting hat shouted. i quickly spotted the golden trio and saw they seemed sad. they all gave me a small sad smile and everyone in the slytherin table started cheering.

i stood up and walked to sit. a girl with black curly hair pulled me by the arm and said sweetly
"hey new girl you can sit with us if you'd like." i agreed and sat down beside her and a boy. he looked at me up and down and smirked. i gave him the same energy by smiling. the girl ended up introducing herself as Annabel; her nickname being Anna, and we all talked. Avery ended up in Slytherin as well which wasn't a surprise. she was never nice. she sat with the blonde guy that seemed to be the one i bumped into at the train station.

after what seemed like forever the rest of the people finished getting sorted and the food was being served out. as i was eating my mashed potatoes with gravy and steak, the guy right next to be nudged me slightly.

i looked up and him and he said in a deepish voice,
"Ruslana, i forgot to introduce myself, i'm Blaise." i gave him a small smile and we started talking. after finishing all our food we all decided to walk together to the slytherin common room. i ended up sharing a room with annabell which i was proud about and could tell that we would become great friends.
"so Ruslana where are you from?" Blaise asked me as we walked through the halls. i didn't know how to reply to him as i knew i couldn't tell anyone that my parents were death eaters which my aunt ordered me to not to talk about.

"oh um i did online schooling actually. my parents died in a car accident 4 years ago and ever since then i have been staying with aunty Elise and Uncle Duffs as well as my horrible sister Avery." i spoke with confidants.

Blaise looked at me sadly when i spoke about how my parents have died and so did Annabell.
"i'm so sorry about your parents Ruslana. i hope your okay." Anna replied with a sad smile that barely reached her eyes. i smiled back and told her it was alright.

we were all at the front of the slytherin common room when blaise whispered 'pureblood' . the doors opened up as we all entered. blaise saw the pale blonde boy and waved while yelling
"hey malfoy, long time no see!"

me and Anna went upstairs to the girls dorms and blaise sat on the couch with what seemed to be Malfoy. Draco malfoy. i remembered his name. then it clicked. the malfoy's were one of the most richest family's in the wizarding world. i gulped as we entered our room. Annabell quickly ran to one of the beds already claiming it. i laughed and set down all my things near the other bed.

tomorrow was the day all the classes start.

guys this is already my second chapter and omg i hope you guys enjoy it and save it to your library to keep up with this amazing journey of Ruslanas!! good luck guys and comment your opinions!

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