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it was the first day of classes. i woke up to Annabell shaking me awake screaming,
Ruslana!! hurry up it's out first day of classes and you can't be late!!!" i quickly stood up and put my robe on, my socks as well as my shoes. i grabbed my bag and we ran to our first class which was 'Defence against the dark arts'. we just made it in time as we watched people walking inside.

we rushed to take a seat at the back of the class before anyone else.Umbridge came inside with her big grin wearing a pink outfit and her hair nicely parted in the middle.

"class, students will raise their hands when they speak in my class. it is never view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get your through your examinations, which after is what school is about!" everyone seemed to be quieter than before like they were scared of her for some odd reason.
i watched at the corner of my eyes as Anna rolled her eyes in annoyance. i laughed than straight after coughed when Umbridge noticed me. she came to the back of the class slowly towards our table.
"who may you be young girl?" her voice was croaky as she stared at me.
"um i-i'm ru-ruslana Greene. i'm new. i a- am a pureblood."
i glanced up at her anxiously as she just watched me closely and like she was trying to see through me.
"i see. welcome Ruslana." she started walking away back to the front saying things i didn't seem to much hear. i'm not going to lie, she scared me.
"this week i will be showing you guys how to perform the 'Imperius curse' on a spider.

she grabbed a spider out of a jar and we all watched in shock as the spider started to grow. almost the size of my chair. everyone ran to the back where me and Annabell were. first umbridge used the 'Imperius curse'. she then performed the 'Cruciatus curse' and straight after she killed it with the 'Avada Kedevra'.


as me and Anna packed up for our next class she asked me what my next class was. we compared both our timetables and noticed that we only had four common classes together. they were 'defense against the dark arts, Charms, Potions and history of magic'

she explained to me that her class right now was transfiguration and i had Herbology. we quickly hugged and went our own ways. i walked outside towards Hagrids hut so everyone could walk together to the forbidden forest. once i reached the hut i stood by a girl that was in what seemed to be hufflepuff. i quickly introduced myself as we talked until Hargid came to lead us inside the forest. i watched as Malfoy and his two friends that he treated like his servants walked with him. he turned around to see me staring and i quickly turned around to face the hufflepuff.
her name was Fiona and she seemed sweat. she was very quiet but once you got to know her, she seemed okay. once we got the the spot in the forbidden forest we all threw our bags on the floor.
"omg i remember in 3rd year Malfoy got kicked by the Buck peak." she laughed loudly as Malfoy looked at us.
"i heard my name." he slowest walked up to us. i ignored him and kept talking with Fiona. he smirked and grabbed me by my arm yanking me to get away from everyone.
"who are you? what's your name you?" i gulped remembering that if he found out who i was he could easily tell Voldemort.
"none of your business Malfoy" he stared at me in shock.
"how dare you speak back to me, you filthy little rat."
i slapped him shocking not only him but myself. i quickly walked away leaving his face still shook and pale. he was mad. i knew how much shit he could do to me and some day he would find out about everything. my family... where i lived... even worse... who i truely was.

i knew i had to ignore him. that's exactly what i was now going to do. ignore him.

Hagrid showed us what we are going to be learning about throughout the week.


we finished. i had a quick break before heading to my next classes. after a while i realised that the famous nasty Malfoy had 2 other classes with me today. they were 'History of magic' that i had with Anna and 'astronomy'. he also had Defense of the dark arts before with me but i didn't really realise until now.


it was the end of the day and i finished all my classes. i was exhausted. i had a shower and then met with Annabell at the Great hall to have dinner.
"hey Russy how were your classes?" she talked sarcastically knowing that i was really tired from the form i was in.
"i'm okay, and you?" i spoke softly
"i'm good. Zabini and Malfoy were annoying me all day. don't tell Zabini i said this but he's cute." i watched her closely as she spoke knowing that she really liked him. i smiled and laughed.
"what... why are you laughing" she asked me confused. i just knew that she was waiting for him to ask her out. i did also understand why she was into him. he's really nice and cocky as well.
"i know you like him and it just seems funny" i chuckled. later Blaise came and i laughed a bit then coughed to make him not notice. he smiled then began eating. we all got up after we finished and walked all together to the common room. i thought about everything that had happened today. it was my first day and i knew i had a good day; well at least i thought so.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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