Chapter FOUR

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Mikki De'lucca

The room is filled with familiar faces, none of them your friends, if you weren't on a mission tonight, you wouldn't have bothered coming to this ridiculous affair..

But Mimi is different.. A kind soul in a socialite world, so showing your support for her really shouldn't be such a chore..

If only her friends weren't completely rancid..

Colt follows you through the crowd as you mingle, always a few feet away, but never in the way as you make your way to the bar..

"Scotch on the rocks.." you turn to Colt.. "you want a drink, cowboy?"

He shakes his head.. "No thank-ya, mam'.."

You pout.. "You're no fun"..

He laughs "Now, that ain't even a little bit true, Miss Mikki.." You smile at the sugar lipped cowboy in appreciation.. If you have to have a bodyguard, you very much like the idea of it being someone you actually enjoy spending time with.. And Colt is extremely likable.. Easygoing and warm..

A familiar handsome face sidles up to you and like a professional, Colt steps back to let you speak in private, though still close enough to step in should he be required..

"Hey there Ollie.. I figured you might be here tonight.." You offer a thin smile to the man you came here to find..

"Oh yeah? You been lookin' for me Mick?" he grins, arching a thick brunette brow playfully..

You scowl in disapproval.. "Considering how everything turned out.. You thought I wouldn't be?"

"I'm fixing it, gorgeous.. "He runs a hand back through his glossy hair as he glances over his shoulder at Colt.. "Who's blondie?"

He grunts enviously..

Oliver Reid is one hell of a man, the kind of tall dark drink of water any woman would happily guzzle down on a hot day.. And it's true the two of you have had a pretty intense flirtationship since you began meeting with him a few months ago.. But judging by his tone, he is most definitely jealous to see Colt here with you tonight..

"Don't worry about him, he's just here to keep me out of trouble.." You wave a dismissive hand before you gently wrap your fingers around the burly undercover DEA agent's wrist.. "Ollie, You made me a promise.. If something is wrong you have to tell me.. You have to warn me.." You lower your voice, stepping in closer to his spiced cedarwood scent..

"Mikki.." His warm hand slides around to the small of your back as he toys with the ends of your long espresso locks.. "I won't let anything happen to you.."

You nod, smiling at him.. "So when will he try again?" You ask and Ollie shrugs..

"Soon, I expect.. Just keep your head down for now.."

"Excuse me, Miss De'lucca, could I get a picture of you and Mister--?" You are interrupted by a squeaky voiced reporter..

"Fuck me.." You mutter under your breath as Oliver chuckles..


You give him a pointed glare before you turn to the smiling reporter.. "I'm sorry, I was actually just on my way out.."

You give Oliver an apologetic smile and he steps back, releasing you from his hold with a grin.. "Call me, Mick?"

"Sure.." As you turn the photographer lifts her camera to sear your retinas with her dazzling flash as it goes off right in your face.. "Oh! Whoa!"

Blinded, you stumble forward a little, bumping into Colt and latching onto his arm as he places himself between the reporter and you.. "Take it easy sweetheart, Miss De'lucca won't be answering any questions tonight.." Colt warns the photographer and she lowers her camera a little embarrassed..

"I'm so sorry, I was just--" She fumbles for an excused when faced by the cowboys surprisingly cold indifference to her, instead he is focus on you, moving you towards the door..

"Oh, no, it's fine, it's really fine.. I just need to leave now.." You call over your shoulder..

Once back in the safe silence of your car you lean back in the seat, rubbing your temples for relief..

The constant scrutiny, as if it weren't enough out there in the world, but in your head it is only worse..

"So, the suit-and-tie upstairs, he your boyfriend?" He asks and you narrow your eyes on him

"I beg your pardon?"

He smirks.. "Just curious.."

"No, he's not my boyfriend, he works for Angelo.."

"But you like him.." He turns the ignition..

"What makes you say that?" You ask..

"The fact that you obviously liked him.." He laughs..

You twist your hands together as the old ache in your chest throbs.. "He just reminds me of somebody I used to know, is all.."

The grin falls away from the cowboys face... "Aw shit, Mikki, I was just messing around, you don't have to explain anything to me.." He grips the steering wheel a little tighter..

"Yeah.. I really don't want to talk about it.." You turn to look out the window so that he can't see the tear that tracks its way down your cheek..

The truth is, Oliver Reid reminds you of your dead husband.. Charles Everett, detective turned FBI agent had been so like the DEA maverick.. In looks yes, but also in personality, a generous balance of seriousness and humour.. A considerate and honest approach.. A solid moral compass..

The truth is the way you feel about Oliver makes you a little sick..

It feels wrong.. Disrespectful to Charlie somehow.. Like, you are trying to replace him with some near enough version..

Which is why despite Oliver's patient efforts, you don't see the possibility of a real future there..

"You know I was married.." You sigh quietly..

"Yeah.. I'm real sorry about what happened to your husband, Mikki.."

"I appreciate that.. But I'm not saying it for sympathy.. Colt.. My father is dangerous and anybody who gets close to me is at risk.. Oliver knows what is good for him, and if you're smart you'll know it too.. You need to be careful, and watch your back.. Because I can't protect you from my family.."

He nods.. "I understand.."

"And I would prefer it if Angelo didn't find out about Oliver and I being friends.. But that one is entirely up to you, I suppose Angelo will expect you to report to him about where I go and what I do.. Who I see.."

Colt smiles.. "Mikki, I'm your bodyguard, not your father's.. He's paying me to keep you safe, as far as I am concerned, that includes keeping you safe from him too.."

"Clever loophole.. Somebody's more than just a pretty face.." you tease..

"Ah, so you think I'm pretty.." He chuckles..

You smile sweetly.. "Shut up smart-ass.."

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now