10: They knew yet they didn't told them

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Sana's PoV
"Ahh.... you all must be the ones that Old Master is talking about" a lady said in front of us as we look so confusion.

"Come in" she said as she open the door widely for us to see the interior of the mansion. Wow! It looks so amazing!

"Am I seeing this right?" Chaeyoung ask as she look at the inside as well. It looks like a grand hall while there's two open door on both side.

The staircase are two that you would see when you enter a palace. This one looks like a palace! "Lisa's there" Nayeon unnie said.

I look at where she's pointing at and saw Jeongyeon unnie with Lisa, playing legos. "Yah! Jeongyeon!" Jihyo yelled at her.

Lisa flinch at the sudden voice, she then hiccup after that. "Yah! Look what you did!?" Dahyun said as she walk towards Lisa.

"Are you ok?" she ask as Lisa nod her head but hiccup again. "Uhmm... could you handed me a water?" Mina politely ask the lady in front of us.

She smile and nod her head before leaving us to get a water. I walk towards Dahyun and Lisa as Lisa glare at me.

"What did I do?" I ask as I sat down. "You! Wemembew that I don't want you to call me daddy" she said as she hiccup for every words.

I smile sheepishly, she will like it when we're in bed anyway. "Sana, your at fault" Nayeon unnie said as she walk to Lisa's direction.

"Why are you so cute!" she cooed as Lisa smile widely. "Because I'm Lalisa Pwanpwiya Manoban" she said.

I flinch, yeah she's the Lili that we know but after hearing her past name, every feelings came back since childhood.

All of us became quiet that made Lisa to look confused. "Did I say something wwong?" she ask as she frown and hiccup.

Chaeyoung shook her head, "No, we just remember someone" she said and smile. Lisa look at Chaeyoung's dimple and poke it.

"Wahh! It's so beautiful" she said and poke it again.  I smile widely, tried to show my dimple- do I even have a dimple?

"What are you doing?" Tzuyu came in my direction as sat down and look at Lisa. Lisa then look at her as Tzuyu smile widely.

"You also have one?" she ask as she walk towards Tzuyu's direction. Tzuyu nod her head as Lisa poke her dimple.

"Wahh! I don't know who have the deepew dimple but they awe so nice" she said and squeal.

"Who are you? What are you all doing here?" we all look behind to see Yeji in a suit as she cross her arms at her chest.

She got shock but quickly change into emotionless. She change! "Yeji unnie!" Lisa said, standing up as she run to her direction.

Jihyo's PoV
Lisa hug Yeji as Yeji look at her boredly. She then push Lisa away harshly.

"Lisa!" we all yelled as we saw Lisa on the floor sitting. "Why are you so fucking annoying!?" Yeji yelled at her.

"YOU SHOULD BE ON MY POSITION!" she yelled again. "Hey!" I said and approach their direction.

Yeji glare at me before walking away from Lisa, who's still on the floor. I squat down and look at Lisa.

"Are you ok?" I ask her as she sniff and slowly nod her head. She's crying! I hug her as she quickly hug me back and sob.

"It's ok" I said to her as the others walk towards our direction. "We'll talk to Yeji if you want" Momo unnie said as Lisa shook her head.

"Jisoo unnie and Wosé unnie said that she's just tiwed so don't talk to hew" she said and sob again.

"Lisa.." we look at the door to see Jisoo with Rosé. "Unnie!" Lisa yelled, standing up as she run to Jisoo and hug her.

"Don't cry Lis" Rosé said as she rub Lisa's back. Lisa cried and cried as we didn't heard anything from her.

"She fell asleep" Jisoo announce as she look around. "Where are they?" Rosé ask as she look around as well.

"Who?" Dahyun ask as Rosé and Jisoo look at each other. "Jackson, Somi and Mark" they said to us.

"Did the two of you know about Lisa since she left school?" Nayeon unnie change the topic and look at them curiously.

Jisoo and Rosé look at each other again and nod their heads. "Let's talk in the living room" Jisoo offer as the lady earlier finally came.

"I heard a shouting here Ms. Kim" the lady bow down as she look at Lisa, who's sleeping in Jisoo's arms.

Rosé sigh, "It's Yeji again" she said and comb her hair using her hands. "Ahh... here's the water and juice for you all" the lady said and place them on the coffee table.

"Ahh... we're fine but thank you" Jeongyeon unnie said as she bow down on the lady. The lady bow down as well and left the area.

"Lady Lee! Can you call someone to settle Lisa in her room?" Rosé said as the lady stop. The lady turn around and nod her head.

We walk towards the living room with Lisa still on Jisoo's arms. "Can you remove your grip on her?" Tzuyu ask as she glare at Jisoo.

Jisoo look at her confused, "If I remover it, she will fall" she said to her as Tzuyu click her tongue. "I can catch her" she said.

Rosé chuckle at her, "Tzuyu, we've been doing this for 3 years so it's already ok with us" she said to her.

We sat down as we look at the three of them talking at each other. "And why are the two of you here? Didn't you say to Nayeon unnie that you two are in Australia?" Tzuyu ask them.

She's right, we heard them talking and they say it clear. "Yeah, I remember now" Nayeon unnie said as she stand up.

Jisoo and Rosé awkwardly look at us, "We're just always here because Lisa needs us" Jisoo said to us.

Mina's PoV
Jackson brought Lisa in her room as he carry her bridal style. I think he felt the glares as all of us glare at him.

"To answer you question Nayeon...." Jisoo started as all of us look at them. "We know about Lisa since she left the school" Rosé added.

"So you also know about Somi?" Chaeyoung ask them as they nod their head. "About Jackson and Mark?" I ask as nod again.

"We know about Somi and Jackson but Mark just came after Jackson paid for his jail" Rosé said.

"That means.... Jackson and Mark are both working in here?" Dahyun ask as they nod their head. "What's their work here? And I thought Jackson has a family business?" Jihyo ask.

"They have a family business but Jackson work here as Lisa's butler and bodyguard" Jisoo said to all of us.

"How about Mark?" Sana unnie ask them. "He also stands as Lisa's butler and bodyguard, but they are all in good terms" Rosé said.

"So... how long have you know that Lisa is here?" Nayeon unnie ask them. We all wait for their answer as they slowly nod their head.

"That's it, why didn't you two told us about it unnie?" Tzuyu ask them as they shook their heads.

"We still can't that time, we still need to keep it a secret as she is still hidden" Rosé said to all of us. "What is your relationship with her?" I ask them.

Jisoo look at Rosé, worriedly? So Rosé have a relationship with Lisa? For 3 years!? Then why are we even arranged with her!?

"Oh no! Don't think like that" Rosé panic as she probably saw our expression. "We're actually cousins" she added.

"WHAT!?" we all said as we stand up. Did we just heard that right? Lisa is the missing grand-daughter of the billionaire!?

Well, we already know since yesterday but still! It's so shocking to hear the news! "Yeah, we're cousins" Rosé said again.

That's a freaking messed up! The one that we're bullying is Rosé long lost cousin! Of course we know about it because she told us about it.
Hello! Hope y'all like it!

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