33: Lights

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Lisa's PoV
I slowly open my eyes as I saw the surroundings are white. Wait, am I in heaven now?

"Lisa? Lisa! Are you ok!?" I look around to see Jisoo unnie with a worried face. "Huh? What happened?" I ask her.

I then sat up as Jisoo unnie help me sat on the bed. "Are you ok!? Where does it hurts!? Do you want-" I quickly cut her off.

"Relax unnie, I'm fine" I said to her as she sigh in relieve. The door swang open as I saw Rosé with a plastic bag.

"Jisoo unnie! I'm he-" she cut herself off as the plastic bag came in with the floor. I awkwardly smile at her.

"Uhh... Hi...?" I said more like asking. Her eyes became teary as she quickly run to my direction and hug me.

"LALISA! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" she said as she tighten the hug. I chuckle as I pat her back and she quickly get off me.

"But I really missed you! Uncle Grandpa also misses you" she said as she wiped her tears.

I look at her in confusion. "By the way, when did the three of us became closer?" I ask them in confusion.

The two of them became quiet suddenly. "Lisa, we're cousins" Rosé said that made me look at her with wide eyes.

"What? How did that even happened?" I ask her as Jisoo unnie smile and nod her head. "I'll get going first" she said.

Rosé look at her as she gave her a nod. Jisoo unnie walk towards the door as she open the door and walk out.

"My grandfather is your grandfather's brother" she said to me. I look at my fingers as she said that.

Does that means.... I'm rich...? Because Rosé's family is known to be a rich family. "Then.... I'm rich?" I ask her.

She smile at me and nod her head. "Yes, you are the missing heiress of the Brusch Companies or now known as MNB Companies" she said.

I got shock. Wait, what date is it today? "What date is it today?" I ask her as she frown but quickly get her phone to look for the date.

"It's already April 7" she said as I widen my eyes. "Where's Taeyeon? Naeun? We're supposed to go to the amusement park right?" I said to her.

Her face suddenly sadden as I mentioned their names. Don't tell me... "Lisa, you all got in an accident" my whole world stop.

"Where are they?" I ask her as I quickly get off the bed. Rosé quickly help me to stand up as she tightly held my arm not hurting me.

"Relax Lisa..." she said as I just sat on the bed and look at her. "Naeun is alive but..." oh no.

"Taeyeon, she... she didn't survive" she said as a tear left my eyes. "How did that even happened!? We left the mansion safe!" I said to her.

She shook her head as she gave me a sad smile. "Yes, you all left the mansion like April 5..... last 2 years ago" I cover my mouth.

"What!? T-taeyeon is d-dead?" I ask her because I want to know if it's real. She gave me a small smile as she slowly nod her head.

My head suddenly spun around as I held it with my hand. "Lisa?" Rosé said as she get my hand away from my head.

"Rosé, m-my head" I said to her as she quickly lay me down on the bed. My vision then starts to get blurry as I heard that Rosé is calling the doctor.

I then saw Jisoo unnie came in and telling me some words that I can't even understand. I look at the door to see the doctors before I passed out.
"Lisa!" I look at my back to see Taeyeon with two other people. "Taeyeon!" I yelled back and run to her.

I quickly hug her as she hug me back. "It's been awhile" she said as she tighten the hug.

I then broke the hug with a smile as I look at the person behind her. My smile faded away.

"A-appa?" I said as appa quickly pull me into a hug. "Priya" he said as he hug me while I can feel his tears.

I quickly hug him back as my tears all came out of my eyes. "Appa!" I cried as I tighten the hug.

"I missed you Priya" he mumble as he broke the hug and wipe my tears. "I missed you too, Appa" I said to him.

He smile at me as he peck my forehead. "Priya, I want you to meet your mom" I look at the lady beside Taeyeon as he said that.

My mom? "M-mom?" I ask as the lady quickly ran to me and hug me tight. "Nice to meet you, my daughter" she said.

I hug her back as I bury my face on her shoulder. "Mom" I said to her that made her to cry hard.

Mom bury her face on my shoulder as she keep on sobbing. "Honey, we don't have much time" I look at appa as he said that.

Mom then quickly broke the hug as she give me a smile and peck my cheeks. "Priya, we're just here to meet you again" she said.

I look at Taeyeon in confusion. "What are they talking about?" I ask her as she gave me a tight smile.

"We're just here to tell you something..." Taeyeon said. Mom and appa look at her as Taeyeon look at them.

"Go on, you tell her" appa said as Taeyeon gave him a smile. Taeyeon then look at me as she walk to my direction.

"I just want to say that thank you, even if your really not mine, you still make time with me" she said to me.

I look at her with furrow eyebrow. What is she even talking about? "What are you talking about?" I ask her as she sigh.

"What I mean is that, I was sent to Earth because of the Gods can't decided whom you should partner up" she said.

My frown deepen at what she said. What the heck!? I don't even understand anything of it.

"God Sungjae wants you to be with Tzuyu but God Minhyuk wants you to be with Momo... they choose a different persons" Appa said that made me to look at him.

"Huh?" all that I could say. Mom giggle as she place her hands on my shoulder. "What she means darling is... she's just a temporary person" she said.

My mouth went agape. I pregnant a temporary human!? "But, how about Naeun?" I look at Taeyeon as she gave me a smile.

"Don't worry, she'll surely take time on Earth" she said. What the fuck? Did I just impregnant an angel!?

Appa laugh as he place his arms over my shoulder. "Don't worry about you being fetch, your time is not near" he said.

"Huh?" I look at them as they just giggle at me. Taeyeon walk to my direction as she gave me a hug, a tight hug.

"It's so fun to be there on Earth, I hope you became happy with them" she said as she broke the hug.

She then kiss my cheeks as she giggle. "Wait, you mean I'll be marrying them again?" I ask her.

Mom chuckle as she gave me a nod. "Take care of them young lady, I know that you can do it" she said to me.

I smile at them as I nod my head. "I'll take care of them" I said and gave them a salute that cause for them to laugh.

Teayeon then walk a distance from me as Mom and appa both gave me a smile. "We hope to see you again, but not soon ok? You've been in an accident for two times" Mom said.

I giggle and nod my head as an answer. Appa then hug me again as he gave me a kiss on my head. "Don't forget to take care of the angel" he said.

I nod my head as I gave him a hug. Mom hug the both of us as she also gave me a kiss on my head. "You can go now" she said.

Taeyeon gave me a smile as Mom and appa both broke the hug and walk to her side. "We'll keep on looking at all of you" she said.

Then a blinding light suddenly occur behind their backs that made me blind for a moment as everything turn black.
Heyy! The ending is near so I hope you all have a great day! Sorry if I didn't get to update yesterday, I got tired for nothing which is weird HAHAHAH. Hope y'all like the chapter!

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