35: What the Gods wants

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Lisa's PoV
I slowly open my eyes as I heard some ruckus around me. It's probably Jisoo unnie with some doctors.

I groan as I suddenly felt that my head is hurting. Wait, I just talk with appa, mom and Taeyeon earlier.

I shot my eyes open as I look around the room. "Lisa! Are you ok!?" I look at my side as I saw Nayeon.

"B-bunny?" I called her as she suddenly froze and look at me with teary eyes. "You already remember me? OMG! I'm so sorry if I lie to you!" she suddenly pounce on me.

"Oww" I groan at her as she quickly remove herself from me. "Yah! Nayeon unnie! Lisa got hurt!" Sana suddenly walk to the bed and look at me.

"Are you alright my Lili?" she ask as she gave me a worried look. "I- uhh... I'm alright" I said that made her to be shock.

"Guys! Here's some- LISA!" Jihyo quickly drop the plastic bag that she's carrying and run to my direction.

She quickly hug me as she put my head on her chest. What the... I can't breathe! I quickly tap her shoulder as she rant.

"...I know, I'm sorry if we lie to you ok? Forgive us please, we only do that because we want to be with you. Please forgive us-" I didn't heard the other words because of her chest.

Damn this girl, I can't fucking breathe! "Jihyo, Lisa can't breathe" I got pulled away from Jihyo as I got met by another chest.

Aish! What's with them and their chest!? "Aish! Lis can't breath" I sigh in relief as Jeongyeon pulled me away from Sana.

"Thanks Jeongyeon" I said and smile at her. She quickly look away as she fan herself. Huh? What's wrong with that?

"Lisa, are you fine?" I look at the sound of the voice and saw Mina looking at me worriedly. I gave her a smile as I nod my head.

"I'm fine, I finally saw you all" the room suddenly became dead silent as I said that. Nayeon and Jeongyeon both fan their selves.

Momo, Sana and Jihyo look down on the floor. Mina blush terribly as she look around. Dahyun and Chaeyoung both look at me with wide eyes.

Tzuyu is playing with her fingers. By the way, did I say something wrong about that? "Wivies, did I say something wrong?" I tease them.

All of them froze on their spot as they heard what I just said. "Lalisa...." I look at the door to see Grandpa and Grandma.

"Yes? Grandma?" I ask as I tilt my head on the side. She look at me as she gave me a smile.

"You can't marry them all" Grandma said that made me frown. Why can't I marry them all? "Why Grandma? I want them all" I said.

Not that I'm being selfish but, I love them all ok? That's their power, they make me fall in love with them in first glance.

I look at the girls and saw that they are all looking down, while their ears are red due to blushing so hard.

The effect of a Manoban, nice. Grandpa shook his head as he held my hand. "You can't marry them all Lisa" he said that made me pout.

"But..." I'm hesitant to say the reason because they won't believe me. They are going to assume that I'm crazy.

"But what?" Grandma ask as she raise her eyebrow. I look at the girls and they give me a smile.

"Lisa, your grandfather is right, you can't marry us all" Sana said as she nod her head. Do I really need to pick someone from them?

What if I don't marry someone from them? Like they are just going to be my girlfriends.

But being their girlfriend is not secure at all right? I mean, they can break up with me and they are going leave me behind.

If I marry them, is it even secure? It is right? Because it's going to be in a rough process if they doesn't like me anymore.

I sigh, I then look at my grandparents and gave them an emotionless face. "I'm not going to pick someone from them, if I pick someone, then someone will get hurt" I said to them.

Grandpa place a hand on my shoulder as he gave me a smile. "Very well said, the wedding is next week" I look at him confusedly.

The girls all look at him with wide eyes as if they knew what Grandpa is talking about. "What are you talking about Grandpa?" I ask him.

I look at the girl and saw them talking at each other. "Tzuyu, slap my beautiful face" Nayeon said as Tzuyu did what is told.

I look at Grandma and Grandpa to see them shaking their heads. "What your grandfather means is that you can marry them" I widen my eyes.

I quickly stands up from the bed and run to where the girls are. "OH MY GOD! I'M GONNA MARRY MY WIVIES!" I yelled and hug them all.

I could feel them blushing as I pulled away to look at them. I'm about to say something when the door suddenly opened.

"Daddy!" I look at the door to see Naeun. "Naeun?" I called as she quickly ran to me and hug my leg so tight.

"Daddy! I missed you so much!" she said as she bury her face on my leg. I smile as I squat down and carry her in my arms.

"When did you wake up? I didn't know that you woke up" I said to her as she pout and hug my head.

"I woke up last last week but you didn't visit me" she mumble enough for me to hear her.

I still can't remember anything that time. I gave her a kiss on her temple as I sway our body together as I look at them.

"Daddy is sorry for not visiting you last time, can you forgive Daddy?" I ask her while my gaze is on the girls.

I could see them gulp as I smirk. I lick my lips as they all blush madly. "Lisa, are you sure you want to marry them all?" I look at Rosé and nod my head.

The door is opened again and I saw Seulgi, Irene unnie and Jennie unnie with wide eyes. "Lisa!" they all yelled and hug me tight.

Irene unnie and Jennie unnie both pull away from the hug as Seulgi sob and tighten the hug. "Buddy, I'm so sorry for what I did back then, I just can't accept it that you lie to me" she said.

I look at Tzuyu as she also look back at me. "Can you carry Naeun for me?" she smile as she answer me with a yes.

Seulgi unnie hug my whole body as I couldn't breath. "Seul, Lisa can't breath" Jisoo unnie came in our direction and pat Seulgi's shoulder.

Seulgi broke the hug as she wiped her tears and look at me. "I'm really sorry for what I did to you" she said as I smile.

"It's fine, I understand you" I said to her. I know it's hard because we promise not to lie with each other.

I look at Irene unnie then at Jennie unnie. "Jennie unnie, how are you and Kai oppa?" she gave me a tight smile.

"He got in arranged marriage with one of the Jungs" she answer as I look at her worriedly.

"I'm fine Lili, I have Ella" she said as Sana glare at her. "She's my Lili" she said as she pull me by her side.

I shook my head as I remove her grip from my wrist. "I can be your Lili and Jennie unnie's" I said to her.

"How about you? Irene unnie? You and Seulgi?" I look at Seulgi to see her smiling widely. Irene unnie blush as she look down.

I look at Seulgi confusedly as she gave me a smirk. "I'm engage and she's pregnant!" she yelled as I widen my eyes.

"Really!? Congratulations!" I said as I hug Seulgi. Grandpa and Grandma gave them a hug as well as Jisoo unnie and Rosé.

The girls too, they gave them a hug then congratulate them. "By the way..." I cut the moment as they look at me.

I look at the girls and gave them a smile. I then walk in the middle of them as I took Mina and Chaeyoung's wrist.

"I'm marrying my bullies again" I said as I finish and gave them a smile.
Hi! Sorry for not updating last Friday so yeah. Hope y'all like the chapter and Epilogue tomorrow :)

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