31: It's time

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Momo's PoV
We're now here in the hospital as we practically panic. We ran down the hallway as we finally saw Lisa's room.

Jeongyeon unnie breath out first before knocking on the door. We then heard a footstep coming as Rosé got reveal behind the door.

"You're all here, come in" she said as she step aside. All of us come in as we look around the place.

There lay Lisa on the hospital bed. "What's the news?" Jisoo ask as she walk towards Lisa's direction.

Rosé sigh as she sat down on the couch. "Girls, come here" I walk towards the couch as I sat down comfortably.

"What really is the news?" Sana ask as she sat down beside me. The others did the same thing as we all wait for Rosé to finally talk.

She then look at us, "I think... she won't wake up so soon" all of us look at her in confusion.

"Why?" Jihyo ask her as Rosé sigh again. "The doctors monitor her as they said that she's actually dreaming about her past" all of us nod.

"We still need to wait for her to wake up and if she did, I think it's gonna be time for her to pick someone from all of you" she added.

All of us look at each other with a determine smile. "We can do that, if everyone she pick someone... let's just support them" Chaeyoung said.

-3 days later-

We're now here in the office. The employees might be wondering why we're so down as they look at us worriedly.

Aren't they knew that we're really down everytime we come in the office? I mean, who would be happy when you don't even have any inspiration.

"I said get out! We're.Over!" I quickly walk towards the other hallway as I saw Tzuyu with Mingyu.

"Tzuyu, please! Listen to me! I didn't cheated on you ok!" Mingyu beg as he's kneeling in front of my sister.

I comfortably lean my body on the wall as I watch them. I didn't even know that I'll watch a drama early in the morning.

But this is boring.... I don't have any popcorn. "I don't care... if you cheated on me or not, I'll still break up with you!" Tzuyu yelled at him.

Mingyu clench his jaw as he stand up from where he is kneeling at. "Then why? Your choosing that fucking kid over me!" Tzuyu slap him.

Nice one mah lil sis. Slap him as hard as you can since he insulted Lisa. "SHE'S NOT A KID! AND DON'T YOU DARE INSULT HER IN FRONT OF ME!" Tzuyu yelled as she point at Mingyu's face.

Mingyu balled his fist as he look at Tzuyu. I quickly stand up properly if he ever try to hurt my sister.

"YOU LITTLE-" I run as fast as I could when I saw him raise his hand om the air. I quickly push him that made him fall on the ground.

I quickly hid Tzuyu behind my back. "How dare you really raise your voice and hand on my sister inside our company?" I ask him.

He scoff as he stand up and glare at the both of us. "Your not gonna be happy with her Tzuyu, I swear" he said.

I smirk as him, "Yes we will, she have everything that we can wish for a guy" I said as he snort.

"Wish? You really wish because she won't give you a child" he said as he smirk. "And, how can you say that?" the three us look at his back as we heard Dahyun.

Jeongyeon's PoV
All of us then walk towards their direction with a special someone behind our back. "Naeun-ah~ are you hungry?" Sana cooed at her.

Well, she got discharge in the hospital earlier as Somi called us to help them. They are currently doing something really important.

I don't even know what is it but all I can hear are footsteps. I ask her what is it and she said that it has something to do with Jungkook.

Technically, Ji-eun unnie have fallen for him when he once visited the jail since she got picked to teach there.

And she doesn't know that he's the one or he's one of those you hurt Lisa back then.

She did saw them beating Lisa back then but she's a busy person and also stress that's why she forgot them.

"Because she's a girl" Mingyu answer Dahyun. Nayeon could only gave him a fake smile as she showed her Naeun.

Mingyu look at the kid with a raise brow. "And what am I going to do with her?" he ask us as Naeun glare at him.

"They told me that you say bad things to my daddy" she said as she clench her little hands.

How cute right? But she's a monster because tehy say that if you say something bad on someone that she loves, she'll let you pay for it.

Mingyu smirk at her. "Who's your daddy then? Why can't he come here and fight me?" he ask as he lean back.

"Because my daddy is in the hospital, she can't come here as her memories are just coming back" Mingyu's face frown.

"She? What kind of girl did your mother marry?" he ask her with a disgust face. "Bitch, if I were you, I'll definitely stop talking not" we look up and saw Somi.

Mark quickly collar Mingyu as the other guy could only raise his eyebrow. "Your under arrest Mr." Jackson smirk at him.

Nayeon's PoV
"Pfft... are you kidding me? I'm a well known citizen here in Korea so why would I get arrest?" yeah, hate to admit but they are known.

Somi look up as she's taking care of Naeun earlier. "Simple, your under arrest because of pushing drugs" we all gasp.

"What the hell!? I'm dating a pusher!?" Tzuyu ask as Jackson look at her and smile. "Yeah" he said simply.

"See? We already told you that he's no good" Chaeyoung frown her face before looking at Tzuyu who's just standing there.

"It sucks to be you Tzuyu" Mina said as Tzuyu glare at her. "What? I just said the truth" Mina said while raising her both arms.

"Guys, quiet down" I told them as I look back and saw that Tzuyu is about to jump on Mina. The penguin then look at me and smile.

"Thank you for saving me" she said as I just look at her weirdly. "The police!" Mingyu suddenly yelled as he saw some police.

Mark didn't let him go away from his grip as he groan. "Mr. Kim, just explain it in the court" they handcuffed him as they walk away.

"Hey Naeun" Mark greeted as Naeun smile at him. "Naeun.." I called as she look at me and tilt her head.

"Yes?" she ask as I squat down in front of her. "If your Daddy would marry someone, are you going to accept her?" she frown.

"I would accept her because if that girl is my Daddy's happiness so why not? And besides, Mommy is not here so I'm sure she'll like it" she look up.

Jeongyeon then squat down beside me. "What if it's one of us?" she ask that made Naeun to look around us.

She nod her head as she smile widely. "Really!? Your fine with it!?" Jihyo ask Naeun excitedly as she look at Sana.

"Sana unnie! Did you heard it!? She's fine with it!" she jump up and down as she said those words.

Naeun point at Sana as we all look at Sana confusedly. "What's wrong with Sana unnie?" Dahyun ask her.

"Except her, she looks dangerous" Naeun said that made all of us to laugh. The laugh die down as Sana could only glare at Naeun.

"If your just really not Lisa's child, I would have already bury you alive" she playfully said but Naeun take it seriously.

"Ok! Naeun, don't take it like that" Mark said as he chuckle nervously. I quickly look at Somi with a questioning look.

"Lisa unnie is already awake" well, I didn't expect for her to wake up this early.
So technically, I sucked up the second book of 'My bullies, my wives' and it's really a mess. But anyways, I hope you still like it :D

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