Please forgive this idiot

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Seeing my eyes sockets with water, jack immediately cooled down and regretted scolding me. Then he took my hand and apologized in low voice but we can see the suppressed anger in his tone "Little girl, I am sorry, please forgive this idiot".

Listening to his apology, I relaxed and gave him a nod but still, I was angry childishly.

Then he motioned me to look at a brochure placed before the diamond. "It is information paper of the diamond," I said looking with confusion. "Read the information once," he said with a serious tone.

I was startled by his appearance, for others he used to be cold, ruthless and domineering and for me, he used to be calm, patient and gentle. Where is that gentleness now, he is talking seriously with me, I couldn't bear this difference.

Seeing my changed expression, he frowned and realized he said something wrong. He immediately placed his palms on my cheeks and forced me to look at that brochure along with him.

After reading it I almost passed out in shock, if he didn't stop me in time then we would have died on spot. That information said "This is the ancient diamond holding the entire museum if the diamond is moved from its position or disoriented slightly then the entire building with collapse before one could escape"

No wonder that mysterious man gave us such a task. At that moment, I understood Jack completely, he won't do anything hurriedly but instead analyses everything before reacting. I am a stupid and burden to him. I lowered my head and didn't speak for several seconds.

Jack slowly squeezed my cheeks and smiled at me. "Jack, let's search for an object to replace the diamond's weight so we can remove the diamond, place that object and escape," I said seriously looking at him. Since he is serious about me then I will also use the same tone to let him experience my pain. But he always gives me surprises.

He acted like he never thought of such a solution and started to praise me "Wow! Little Girl, I have never thought about this idea, you are really smart and intelligent". When I heard them, I didn't feel like praising them but instead mocking me professionally.

I gave an angry look and ran forward to beat him. Just when my hand was about to slap his shoulder, he grabbed my wrist tightly and hugged me. Taking advantage of my shocking moment he whispered "Little girl, now only you can save us."

I took two steps back when I heard him saying I can save us both, but how? Such a stupid brain girl like me cannot do these things. "Jack, it's not joking time," I said seriously.

But jack remained the same and motioned me to follow his gaze. He was looking at my bracelet. Since I slept with everything on me during the night when I fought with mom, I carried everything with me unknowingly.

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