chapter seventeen. kill a virgin

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Season one | Episode six

he Keg
Point Place, Wisconsin
Location: Eric and Ever Forman's basement

Ever sits on the couch as Kelso and Hyde move the keg into the house. "You guys just found it. You lucky bastards," she says looking at them.

"It was the beer in headlights. That was my first American joke," Fez explains. "When God gives you a keg you gotta-" Hyde says before Fez cuts him off. "Kill a virgin," he says as the group faces him. "Yes, absolutely," Ever says with a smile. "No, throw a party," Eric says looking at the group.

"Oh, really Opie?" Ever asks sarcastically. "Can people stop calling me that?" Eric asks as Ever laughs. "At the party, we can charge $2 a head," Eric adds. "Well, I ran a lot today and I'm gonna go take a shower," Ever says before running up the stairs.

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