chapter forty. insane with rage

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Ever sits between Eric and Hyde in a cell as she sighs. "This is great. We're dead," Eric says as Ever faces him. "No kidding," she says before looking forward again. "You know when we were in my car we never got arrested," Eric says as Ever sighs again. "If you open your mouth again I'm gonna kick your ass," she says pushing her hair back.

"I will be deported. They will send me back to my homeland," Fez speaks up. "You're not going anywhere Fez," Ever explains. "Where are you from by the way?" She questions facing him before a cop walks in. "Okay, who's the ringleader here?" He asks looking at the teens.

"He is," they say pointing at Eric. "Okay, you get one phone call," the officer says handing Eric a quarter before leaving. "So, who should we call?" Hyde questions. "I would call Red but we're safer in jail," Ever explains. "I would call Jackie but I'm not doing that," Kelso says before they all face Ever. "Why me?" She asks grunting. "You're besties plus her dad is a lawyer," Kelso explains as Ever gets up. "Fine," she says as Eric hands her the quarter.

She puts it in before dialing Jackie's number. "Hello?" Jackie asks on the other end. "Hi," Ever says leaning against the wall. "Hi, Ever. I've been meaning to call you," Jackie says as the guys all look at Ever. "Yeah, I wanna talk but I'm actually in jail for driving a stolen car that Kelso provided for us," Ever says as Kelso grunts. "Are you okay?" Jackie asks as Ever sighs.

"No, jail sucks," Ever says with a laugh. "Maybe we can hang out when you get out," Jackie speaks up. "I don't think that's a good idea," Ever says before the other end goes dead. "Jackie?" She asks moving the phone away from her ear. "She hung up," Ever says nodding. "God! We're die in prison cause you're an idiot," Eric says before Ever tackles him out of his chair.

"I told you to shut up," she says slapping him on top of his head. "Ow!" Eric yells as the guys watch. "That's enough," Hyde says picking Ever up and placing her on her chair. "Now you do that?" Eric asks getting up and rubbing his head. "It was entertaining to watch," Fez responds.

"Eric you have to do something," Kelso says looking at Eric. "Why me? Why not Ever or Hyde?" Eric questions. "We can't talk to cops. We go insane with rage," Hyde explains as Ever nods. "Me too. I go nuts," Kelso adds.

"Okay once again I'll suck it up and be the man and save all of your sorry asses," Eric says getting up. "Thanks," Ever says as he knocks on the door before an officer opens it as he walks out of the room. After a while, he walks back in. "So?" Hyde questions. "So, call a cab. We're sprung," Eric says looking at the group. "We're free?" Kelso asks getting up. "Of all charges," Eric explains before they all hug him.

"Let's get out of here," Hyde says as they all turn to the door. Eric tries to open it but it won't open. "Goddamnit!" Ever says grunting.

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