chapter fifty three. i have nothing to say

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It was nearly midnight when Ever heard the knock on the door, she had fallen asleep on the couch after Laurie kicked her out of her room. She was still wiping the sleep from her eyes when she reached the sliding door, she didn't check who was on the other side when she opened it up and was immediately met with a hug from a shorter girl.

"Ever, guess what?" Jackie tried to keep her voice down as Ever closed the sliding door behind her. "You're having twins?" She yawned, going to the fridge with Jackie following her. "No, silly. I'm not pregnant." Jackie's words seemed to wake Ever up faster as she threw the fridge door shut.


"I'm not pregnant." Ever couldn't believe what she was hearing and she couldn't believe what she did next because without thinking, her lips had wound up on Jackie's. The kiss was different from the first time they had done it, that child-like innocence was gone but the love remained, the desperation to be close to  Jackie remained.

Jackie was taken back but she didn't stop Ever from kissing, in fact she was the one that pulled the blonde closer to her.

When the kiss did end, Ever was breathless but it didn't stop her from going in for another, the next kiss barely lasted a second but it felt like heaven to be that close to Jackie, her Jackie.

"Congratulations." She felt the breath go back into her lunges, her right hand on Jackie's waist, the right lost in her hair.

"Thank you." All Jackie did was stare up at her, all Ever could think about was the day they met. Jackie's eyes still carry the same kind of gentleness in them, the same innocence she had fallen in love with all those years ago.

"I should have told you this that night, I also think your hair is very pretty." All Ever could muster was a whisper, her and Jackie standing in front of the fridge together like an old married couple.

"What are you talking about?" Jackie stared, confusion plastered on her face. "I don't remember why but we were sitting in the car together, everyone else was at some disco and you told me that my hair was pretty." That seemed to clear up some confusion.

"And I said whatever, I didn't mean it."

"I know. I've always known." Jackie's teasing smile drove Ever out of her mind as she laughed, head on the dark haired girl's shoulder.

"You should've told me." She mumbled, smile on her face as she took in Jackie's familiar scent. "I tried but you were too stubborn to listen." Ever was listening now, as she pulled away, she couldn't tear her eyes away from Jackie.

"I'm listening now, if you're willing to still talk." Her voice was softer than Jackie had ever heard before and she just smiled. "I don't have anything to say."

"You don't have anything to say?"

"Yes, I don't have anything to say. I just really want you to kiss me." Ever heard this time, and she let her stubborn, easily annoyed bullshit go and kissed her best friend and nothing would ever be the same.

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