For the First Time

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Nate's Side : 

Nate entered the party and suddenly everyone was looking at him. He was used to it, after all he was the Nate Heywood, international super star, one of the richest actors in the world, who also happened to have a doctors degree in history. 

"Hey Nate!" 

"Hey Jax" 

He walked over to his friends Jax, Ray, and his cousin, Mick. Jax wasn't into the fame, he just happened to be a great engineer and inventor and it got him rich. Same with Ray, he was just a billionaire scientist. Mick on the other hand was a writer for both books and movies and a director. 

"Nate! I missed you!"

"Of course you did Ray, I missed you too" he replied with a goofy grin. 

"Where's your girlfriend?" Mick asked. 

"Um sadly she couldn't make it" When Nate said she couldn't make it, it wasn't a lie but he was a bit happy she couldn't. 

Zari's side :  

Zari entered the room with her natural goddess figure and all eyes were on her. She didn't mind but there were still sometimes where she wished she could just disappear. 

"Z! You came"

"Nora, thank god you're here" she said as she walked towards her. 

"I thought I was gonna die alone in this party" 

"That makes two of us"

Nora was a nice girl but yet everyone was scared of her, she was born into a rich family because her dad, Damien Darhk is a huge businessman who was known for getting rid of people. Sara absolutely hated him cause he fired her sister, Laurel, and ruined her career but for the most part, she was fine with Nora. 

"Oh my god look who showed up Zari!" Nora pointed behind Zari to none other than the Nate Heywood and gang. 

"So?" Zari replied. 

"What do you mean so? It's Jax J., Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, and NATE HEYWOOD! Other than us, they're the biggest sensation at the the party!" 

"Ok and?"

"Oh my god, you may be married but I'm hella single" 

"Yeah haha" Zari laughed with a little sadness in her voice. 

Nora noticed but knew better than to push on it. 

"Well, I'm gonna go see if any of them are single too, or have a secret hidden relationship, I'll come back when I'm done" 

"Haha, go have fun, just not too much!" 

"No promises!" Nora sung as she walked away. 

Nate's side : 

"Hey, watcha staring at?" Jax asked 

"Oh, nothing" Nate replied. 

Jax followed his eyes, 

"Wait are staring at none other than Zari "Goddess" Adrianna Tomaz?" 

"What of course not!" but in truth he was and he thought the nickname Goddess suited her. It was like everywhere she went was a trail of confetti.  

"Guys shh, it looks like Nora, her friend, and Damien Darhk's daughter, is coming" Ray responded. 

"Never took you to be into bad girls, Haircut" 

"What! No Mick, we should just be polite" 

"Sure, Ray, sure" Jax replied. 

"Well, you guys have fun, I'm gonna get a drink" Nate said. 

"Ok, see ya" 

Nate walked away toward the bar and watched as Nora flirted with Ray and Ray stood there like an idiot, dumbfounded by the fact that he was completely unaware Nora was into him. 

Zari's Side : 

Zari found herself alone at the fruit punch when one of the rich douche bags who just happened to be drunk approached her. 

"Well if it isn't the sexy Zari Tomaz"

"Sorry, do I know you?" she said

"No, but I know you" he said, almost tipping over. 

"Why don't you let me buy you a drink?"

"Um no thanks, I don't drink" she said as she politely declined. 

"Just one drink come on" he said slurred. 

"Um no thanks"

At this point he was shoving a drink in her face and she was cornered against the table. 

Suddenly, someone from behind her grabbed the drunk man and pushed him away from her. Then the douche bag ran off. 

"Thank you" Zari replied. 

The man just said "No problem" and then continued to say

"I know you're married, bu- "

"How do you know?"

"Um you're Zari Tomaz, everyone knows." 

"Oh yeah, I forgot" 

He laughed

"Well I was just gonna get you some water because it'll help come you down" 

"Oh ok, sure" she replied

The man turned away and got her water. 

"Here you are, I hope no one bothers you again" He replied as he walked away. 

"Thank you, enjoy you're day!" Zari smiled at the man as he left. 

She drank the water and suddenly, something didn't sit well in her stomach. She took a closer look at the water but it was all blurry. Then she looked up and everything was blurry. She turned around, and vaguely, within the blurred lines of her vision, she saw the man go over and high five the douche bag. 

"Oh god" she said as she was beginning to pass out. 

Out of the corner of her eye she started to see glistening dots like confetti and what seemed like a person coming towards her. 

Nate's side : 

Nate looked across the room just as he was done with his drink. Suddenly, he saw Zari uneasily stepping and walking around. He felt like something was wrong and decided that even if he didn't know her, he was going to see what was up.  

He walked over and just as he was about to ask if she was okay, she stumbled, shattered a glass, and fell onto him. Nate quickly slung Zari's arm around his neck and held her bridal style as Nora came rushing. 

"What happened!?" She asked Nate. 

At this point everyone was looking at them as some people started calling the ambulance. 

The police came and asked Nate what happened but he said he didn't know. They then told him he had to come with them as he was the last person she saw. 

He said "Okay" and he sat down in the back staring at Zari. 

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