The unspoken words - part 1

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After the Company had reached their new destination, Mirkwood, they had been caught by the Elves and been locked into some cells. Bilbo, however, had saved them. Then, they had reached the borders where the realm of Elves ends and the region of Men starts.

Kili had been wounded. Fili was about to bandage the wound as an arrow had flown by. The shooter was a man, clearly from Lake-town.

Balin had taken the chance to chat with him, since they had no idea how to get into Lake-town, from where they could get to the Lonely Mountain. In just a couple of days Durin's Day would be upon them.

Balin tried to flatter the bowman. "Your wife, I believe, is quite a beauty?"

Thorin sighed.

He looked at Bilbo. They had been so busy that Thorin hadn't gotten any private time with his hobbit. But now, it seemed like Balin and the bowman would be busy talking for quite a few minutes...

Thorin grabbed Bilbo's shoulder. Bilbo flinched a bit.

"Come with me, master Baggins," Thorin whispered in Bilbo's slightly pointed ear. Bilbo's heart was racing. He nodded.

They walked away from the others. Bilbo seemed confused.

"Bilbo... I'm sorry I haven't gotten any time for you lately. We-"

"No no, it's okay," Bilbo interrupted.

"Let me speak," Thorin said firmly.

"We both know what's happening between us. Don't deny it. And, I'm sorry that I haven't gotten any time with you. I really would want to have some."

"Wait, Thorin, slow down. What's happening between us?"

Thorin smiled. Oh, how adorable Bilbo was. It was time to tell him how he felt.

"We feel the same."

"Feel what?"

"I love you, Bilbo Baggins."
I love you. Was that what Thorin had just said? He loved Bilbo? Bilbo's thoughts were racing, and afterwards he couldn't even remember what he had answered.

"I- I love you too, Thorin Oakenshield."

"You do?"

"Yes. Yes, I think I do."

"Do you think we're moving too fast?"

"Not at all. You know, it has been over a week since we... we... kissed."

Bilbo's voice was shivering as he said the word 'kiss'. He wasn't uncomfortable with it; it was all just so new and exciting to him.

Thorin was smiling.

"Would you like to do it again?"

"I... I'd love-"

Thorin drank the words from Bilbo's lips. He felt Bilbo smiling through the kiss. Bilbo had to stand on his tiptoes to reach Thorin.

After a while, Thorin finally broke off. Bilbo could have continued for hours on end, and he was a bit disappointed. Still, he was happier than ever, although he was quite nervous about everything that would happen in the next few days.

And so was Thorin, but letting these things out really helped him. Bilbo was so comforting to him and Thorin loved him above all else.

Thorin moved his mouth near Bilbo's ear.

"You know, I've always liked your pointed ears", Thorin whispered and bit Bilbo's ear playfully. Bilbo laughed a bit, biting his lip. Thorin's voice was so calm and deep. It was beyond perfect.

Thorin moved his lips to Bilbo's neck and kissed it. He bit it slightly, then a little harder. Bilbo moaned. It felt so good. Then Thorin moved back to Bilbo's lips and they kissed deeply a couple of times.

Bilbo nuzzled Thorin's chest and closed his eyes. Thorin touched Bibo's hair softly. Then they heard a voice from a distance, calling for them.

"Thorin! Bilbo!"

It was Dwalin.

"We're here!" Thorin yelled back, taking his hands off Bilbo. Bilbo lifted his head from Thorin's chest and blushed. Thorin turned back to Bilbo.

"We must go for now, but do not think that this is everything I can do" he said with a smirk on his face, nodding at the hickey he had made on Bilbo's neck.

"I won't," Bilbo answered and smiled constantly, not even trying to hide his excitement.

"Oh, I won't."

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