Seeing the stars - part 1

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The company of Thorin Oakenshield was making its journey towards the Lonely Mountain. The way was long and tiring.

For the moment, they were travelling on foot. There was wasteland all around them.

"Not a single flower," sighed Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit from the Shire. He slowed his steps for a moment; he was tired.

The leader of the company, Thorin Oakenshield, had grown very fond of this hobbit. But he had not showed it yet.

"Indeed, this is not a meadow of flowers, master Baggins. But it's fairly safe. We will camp here tonight!" Thorin said, raising his voice.

The other dwarves stopped, panting.

It was a beautiful evening in early autumn. The sun would be setting soon.

As the dwarves were settling down and arranging their belongings, Thorin walked up to Bilbo, who was sitting on the ground taking a deep breath. He looked up and saw Thorin. Thorin sat down next to him.

"It is a beautiful evening," Thorin said,

"A clear sky. We might be able to see the stars tonight."

Bilbo didn't know much about stars. He was more into books and maps.

"Possibly," he answered, although he knew nothing of the matter.

Thorin chuckled. He sensed that Bilbo was acting.

"I could teach you some constellations if you'd like. We'll have a sky full of stars in just a couple of hours," he said with a deep, yet soft voice.

Bilbo felt his heart melting. Walking under the open sky with Thorin didn't sound bad at all. He really liked this dwarf. He felt attracted to him in some way, but he wasn't yet sure how.

"Master Baggins?"

Bilbo was lost in his thoughts.

"Oh yes, that would be wonderful", he muttered. The hobbit turned to stare at the ground and felt his cheeks turn red.

"I would really like to learn more about the stars..."

"We'll see in two hours then," Thorin said firmly as he got up. Bilbo raised his head and looked at Thorin, who was smiling. He kept smiling at Bilbo for a moment, then walked away.

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