Chapter 25

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Jennie runaway from Lisa again. Her vision was blurry because of her tears but she kept on running because she don't want Lisa to see her in that state. She have to get away from there before that girl catch her again. She shouldn't give in, she have to be tough.

While running along the corridor, she unexpectedly bumped into someone. Fortunately, the person held her waist preventing her from falling backwards.

"Are you okay?" the person asked. The voice was familiar but Jennie didn't care whoever it is now. She just have to go away from there, or go home. But then the person noticed her tears.

"Hey, why are you crying? It's okay, everything's gonna be fine." The person said and hugged her then patted her back to make her feel at ease but she just begun sobbing harder instead.

She cried in this person's chest. She knows it's such a shameless act but she don't care, she can't control her emotions anymore. She just cried there without even realizing who's the person who's comforting her at the moment. She'll just deal with the embarrassment later but for now, she have to let her tears go or else she'll explode.

"What did she do to you? Did she hurt you?" The guy asked but she didn't answer. How did he even know?

Meanwhile, it took Lisa few seconds before what just happened sink in to her system completely. She realized that she had to go and apologize to Jennie for what she just did. She kind of harassed the girl a few moments ago and it was so horrible to Jennie's part but she didn't mean it though. She was just carried away with her anger. She have to explain herself to Jennie. She can't let her Nini be mad at her. So she went out of there and tried to find the latter.

She run trying to catch up to Jennie but then she saw something that broke her heart.

They were in the corridor, Jennie was in Taehyung's arms. It made Lisa's jaw tensed and her hand clench as her blood starts to boil with anger or maybe jealousy. She sees red, blood!

Kai is gone now but then another man is trying the get in the picture. Can't they just live happily ever after?

Lisa walked towards them with the thought of punching the guy and beating the hell out of him but as she went near them, she noticed something that pierced her heart more than the sight of Jennie being with someone else.

Jennie is crying and Lisa is pretty sure that she was the reason. The latter is crying because she forced her. What she did earlier was sexual fucking harassment and she still did it even though she was aware of what happened to the girl before. How could she be so stupid and insensitive? Jennie must have been traumatized from that night and congrats to her, she probably triggered it.

She bit her lower lip and hit her chest multiple times as she felt the unexplainable pain in her chest. It hurts her like hell, just watching Jennie sob and shed her precious tears. She should be the one to comfort the girl but how can she do it when she's the one who inflicted the pain? How can she make Jennie feel better when at the first place she's the reason why the latter is suffering? She should be protecting Jennie but what she just did was the otherwise.

So, instead of going to them, she back away and left without bothering them. Though it breaks her heart to see Jennie being comforted by someone else, she believes that Jennie needs it now. Jennie needs someone who isn't her. Maybe she deserves being avoided and ignored by the girl. She's the one who ruined everything in the first place.

Should she just give up already? It seems like they're not meant to be with each other anyway and all she just do is to hurt Jennie over and over again intentionally or not.

Taehyung seems to be nice guy. He's probably far different from Kai. He can comfort and make Jennie happy just like what he was doing just now. He might be able to protect Jennie from people like her.

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