Chapter 2

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Jennie woke up with an immense headache. Her head was like being hammered or even being sliced into half. Her ears are almost ringing. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw an unfamiliar ceiling. It isn't from her room, she's sure of that. And that's when she started to panic. She must be still in Jackson's house. She wasn't able to go home last night? Her mother must be so worried about her so she tried to ignore the stinging pain in her head and tried to get up only to feel worse.

She was aching all over her body. And as she moved her legs, she yelped as she felt her core stinging. Wait, what?

That's when realization hit her, she checked up on her body only to find out it was ornamented by hickeys and bruises and she's as naked as the day she was born.

"No, no, no, this can't be! This is just a bad dream. I-I didn't d- oh my fucking hell."

She started sobbing for her loss. She just fucking lost her virginity and she don't even remember who stole it. She felt stupid and dirty. She can't even recall what happened after Kai gave the drinks to her and to Lisa.

"Wait Lisa! How is she? Oh my God this is my fault. I should've listened to her. I hope she's fine" She cried and she tried to find her phone and when she did she quickly dialed Lisa's number.

What if Lisa was raped too?

'Oh God, please no.'

At first she can't seem to reach Lisa's phone but after few tries the latter finally answered.

"Lili, where are you?" Jennie asked while crying.

There was a short period of silence before Lisa answered.

"I-I'm at home. I don't know how I got here but I just w-woke up in my room. How about you? Where are you? W-what happened?" Lisa said on the other line.

"Lili, I think I was raped. I'm still at Jackson's house. Please get me out of here Lili. I'm in pain, everything hurts. Help me please," She begged in between her sobs.

Lisa felt as if her heart was shot. It aches for Jennie's agony. She hates herself for letting that horrible thing happen to her best friend. It was her fault, she wasn't able to protect the girl.

"I-I will pick you up, Nini. I will get you there just wait for me okay. Stop crying now, Lili's here for you."

Lisa quickly drove back to the house of Wang's and Jackson was surprised to see Lisa marching towards his house.

"Hey man, what brought you back here? Are you going to help with the clean up?" the guy joked but he became quiet when he noticed that Lisa wasn't up for any joke right now.

"I'm going to take her." Was just what Lisa said and run upstairs leaving the Wang confused.

When Lisa entered the room she quickly looked for Jennie. She found the girl in the corner of the bed crouching, hugging her knees as she continuously sobbed.

Jennie wasn't wearing anything and only the comforter covers her body. Lisa could see blood stains on the bed sheet, the evidence of the horrible crime. This sight broke her, her heart is bleeding for her best friend, the girl she failed to protect.

Lisa slowly went to the girl and wrapped the latter inside her arms. Jennie flinch at first but when she noticed it was just Lisa, she begun crying hard on Lisa's chest.

"What am I going to do now? Who's going to pay? I-I'm sorry I broke the rule." Jennie kept on repeating those sentences like a mantra.

"No Nini, this isn't your fault. It's my fault. I'm sorry, I-I should've protected you but I'm stupid. I let this happened. I'm sorry Nini. I-I promise I won't leave you no matter what" Lisa also cried for her friend.

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