17-you're such a dumbass

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Tubbo POV

It's been a couple of weeks since Bea and I hung out and it feels like she's been distant recently. I mean she could obviously be busy with school and streaming. I just don't want to ask her upfront. That would be weird. I just finished streaming a few minutes ago. Tommy and I were goofing around on the Dream SMP for a while and he started to go on about some random plot. We're still on call now and I want to ask him what he thinks I should do. Now that I think about it, probably not the best person to ask advice from.

"Tommy, how do I know if someone doesn't want to talk to me as often anymore"

"Toby, do not worry we are still friends" Tommy says in a joking tone.

"Yeah, yeah I know WE'RE still friends but I'm just worried about Bea and I's friendship" I tell him.

"Mhmm friendship" Tommy says sarcastically.

"Yes, friendship. Anyway, we just haven't been talking recently and I want to know if she even considers us as close friends because I do." I tell him.

I feel like I'm making this a bigger deal than this needs to be. I just had a really fun time with her on Halloween and I'm just confused why we haven't been speaking recently.

"Let me handle this, I am the woman whisperer my friend" I hear Tommy say. I hear his keyboard start to click.

"Oh god,  what the hell are you doing" this could not be good.

"Toby, just sit back and relax, I've got this all under control...see she has already responded" Tommy says reassuringly.

"What're you even saying to her?" I ask him concerned. Tommy is a wild card.

"I'm simply asking her what you want to know" Tommy says plainly.

"You are such a dumbass you know" I tell him laughing. I cannot believe he's doing this.

"Now would a dumbass give you the answer you've been dying to know?" Tommy rebuttals.

"What'd she say?" I ask intrigued.

"Well, congratulations Mr. Toby Smith, you and the Bea woman are in fact, close friends!" Tommy announces. I hear him to his trumpet impression.

It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest although I know I'll be hearing from Bea most likely soon. As well as many questions and confusion.

"Thanks Tommy. I don't know why I was so worried" I say relieved.

"Wonder why" Tommy says sarcastically.

"Whatever dude, I'll talk to you later about that new plot, see ya" I say.

"Goodbye Tubzo".

I end the call and a few minutes later I get a Discord call from Bea. Oh god, I take a deep breath and brace for the confusion that will follow.

"Toby?" I hear her say.

"Hello Bea" I answer.

"I don't know if you already know but Tommy just messaged me on discord about if we were close friends or not and I was just plain confused" I hear her laugh.

"Yeah, about that. So, recently we haven't been talking much, although I assumed it was because you were busy with school and streaming but I was asking Tommy what to do" I explained.

"Toby are you joking? Why would I just ghost you out of nowhere? Of course we're still friends, school's just been a pain these past couple of weeks, that's all" she says.

"Okay yeah, I don't know why I was worried" I laugh.

"I believe it is server time, don't you?" Bea says.

"Yes definitely" I answer.

We log on and the first thing I see is the ugly stupid clown she had built the last time we were on.

"Why did I have to spawn here" I groan.

I hear her laugh and from there on we go mining. The entire time our stomachs hurt from laughing, telling each other stupid knock-knock jokes and pick up lines while trying to keep straight faces. I just about almost teared up. Tonight was fun. I had missed talking to her. She would listen to me while I always ramble on like a lunatic.

nobody gets me (like you) TUBBO X OCWhere stories live. Discover now