Failed Kidnappings

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"I am alone in my room, between two worlds" - Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

When I woke up, it was dark outside. Correction, it was dark all over. I waited for the confusion and the panic to settle in, but I felt nothing but tranquility. It never descended, as I slowly came to my senses and realized where I was; I was still in the shadow realm. The atmosphere had changed in the time that I was asleep, however long that was. Besides comforting and cradling, the atmosphere was now buzzing and energized. It felt as if the mass of inky blackness had awoken alongside me, though I knew it didn't. It shifted around me as though breathing, rising and falling in life-like movements.

I tried to flip over from my back, and found myself floating upright. My hair lifted up into a cloud around my head, floating inconsequentially. I touched my neck, testing the waters and seeing how much the space aided to my pain relief. A sigh emitted from my lips as I tenderly touched the wounded skin; it no longer burned, and I could touch it softly without unbearable pain shooting up my body.

I wondered how long I had been in here. I couldn't see anything besides myself, the space surrounding me being completely black. It wasn't necessarily air that I floated in, but something else entirely. The substance was more thick than regular air, feeling like humidity that was leeched of all its heat. I imagined this to be what space felt like, minus all the glimmering stars.

I grabbed at the mass infront of me, the shadows trailing through my fingers like wisps of smoke. Coming to life alongside my body, they eloped me, dancing in my silver locks, tickling my neck and making the hair stand up pleasantly on my arms. It was playing with me, I realized. I openly smiled at it as my body was twirled around by a phantom dancer.

A laugh echoed in the chasm, shocking me into the realization that it was my own. I assumed that sound did not exist in this lightless realm. I had assumed it ate all energy up like a black hole might. The dark mass continued spinning me gently like a top, tying ribbons of onyx smoke to me as I enjoyed the feel of not-wind on my face. The chasm was empty, yet at the same time it was full. So full and present, that it was sentient, even.

"Time to go home" I said to the chasm regretfully. The atmosphere shifted alongside my mood as I realized I would have to go back to my own realm soon enough. Regret pitted in my stomach as I attempted to remember how to get out. I began making swimming motions towards the bottom. Instantly, the space accommodated to my intent. I fell faster and faster, dropping towards a a faint shimmer at the bottom. It was not as bright as it was before, resembling more of a reflection in a puddle than a blazing portal.

I jumped into the light, landing right back into the school. It took a moment to re-steady myself, the transition being difficult to get used to as dread settled in my body. Again, the air caught in my throat as the pain renounced itself. My stomach contracted as I bended over, nausea over coming me. I heaved on the floor for a solid few moments, thankful that I had skipped my mealtimes today. I attempted to breathe steadily, holding my breath for five seconds before emitting it out.

When I recollected my demeanor and righted myself, a wave of dizziness hit my head. The floor shifted underneath me as I touched the wall to remain upright. Upon blinking back into focus, I stepped out of the shadowy alcove, surprised to see that the darkness was not limited to my little pocket. The entire hall was dark. What used to be searing brilliance before I stepped in, was now inky night. How long had I been in there? Had I really spent multiple hours recovering?

"Well where have you been?" A voice asked from behind me, his tone mixed with curiosity and suspicion. I froze and turned my self around, wondering where the hell he came from. Dragging my eyes from the floor up, I observed wool-lined moccasins, ivory slacks from a soft, loungewear material and crew neck sweater. All of it was monotone in shades of cream, reminding me of a posh model.

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