Dates II

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I bit into my Panini sandwich, relishing in the way the mozzarella and grilled tomato melted against my taste buds. Heaven on earth. Just as Prometheus stole fire from the Gods, I'm sure some other insolent mortal stole this sandwich from the heavens. There's just no other way that this little piece of paradise was anything but food of the divine, ambrosia from the highest peaks of paradise.

I groaned appreciatively as I scarfed it down, my eyes closed as I savored the spices and explosion of flavor. Gods I loved this sandwich.

"I'll remember to feed you one of those next time you're crabby. You know, feed the hungry demon. Maybe our beloved Eulalia will resurface, after being sacrificed a panini sandwich", Paris stated. He had ordered me one when he was at the counter in the cafe, deciding to bring food with us. I did not know what magic they had used to make the panini, but it was the best thing I had ever tasted. Paris seemed to know this, which is probably why he ordered it in the first place.

I scoffed at him, refusing to let his mockery ruin my euphoria, "Try a couple dozen, because I most definitely won't be sustained with just one sandwich"

I opened my eyes upon his scoff of disbelief, watching the way he shook his head in amusement. An amused smile adorned his red cheeks. His hair was disheveled by the cold weather as an azure scarf wrapped around his neck and up his chin. He looked younger somehow, with the thick scarf nearly swallowing him whole.

We were sitting upon a grassy hill, completely overlooking Bellhadone. You could see everything and everyone from so high up. The expanse of blue sea that surrounded the island, stretching out miles in all directions, was breathtaking. That was why Paris brought me here. He claimed I liked watching people without being noticed, and monitoring everything. I did, but denied the statement just to be disagreeable.

"Okay. Next question" Paris told me, clapping his hands together. I groaned, falling back into the unnaturally soft grass. He had been drilling me with questions for the past hour, asking about random, useless information. I stared up at the grey sky, with it's bulging clouds shifting through the sky. Miraculously, they had cleared momentarily in the area Paris and I were sitting. I suspected it was him, but the warmth seeping through my clothes was enough for me to keep my mouth shut.

"What do you like to do for fun?" Paris asked me. I thought about it for a moment, before a devilish smile adorned my lips.

"Arson" I told him, grinning wildly.

His nose scrunched up in distaste, "You are a menace to society"

"Why thank you" I nodded in agreement, pleased with the compliment, "That has been my goal since the day I gained awareness"

"What? To be a menace?" He asked me dubiously. I took another huge bite of the sandwich.

"Yes" I snickered, chewing the tomato-mozzarella goodness and groaning at the explosion of flavor. I sat up from the grass, just in time to catch Paris roll his eyes at me.

"What's in your cup?" I asked him suddenly. He turned back towards me, glancing down into his paper cup. I kept catching glances of it, and it was nearly as light as milk. I was curious to what kind of drink it was. My best bet was white-hot chocolate. That was quite popular in the winter months, along with regular hot-chocolate.

"Oh, just tea with milk" He told me. My nose scrunched in disgust. I had spotted him throw three full teaspoons of sugar into it earlier. And then he added several more packets of creamer into it.

"That's disgusting" I told him. How could he drink that? It was a hot beverage befit for a child with an insatiable sweet tooth. I did not know how he could tolerate the extra sugar.

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