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Trigger Warning:
mentions of self harm and sexual abuse

"Your honors" The guard began from behind me, I didn't bother to look in his direction, instead dropping my eyes back down to the ground. Let the audience see me as weak. As hurt and pathetic. Let them see me as a little girl, small and scared, curled up into fetal position, unable to even rise from the floor. Let them pity me. Let their eyes deceive them, planting doubt in their minds that a girl like me could not do such damage. I tried to make myself seem as broken as possible, weathered from the torture I endured at their honorable soldiers. It would be better for my sentencing.

"I urge you to move forward the trial, and call in the shadow witch for her personal testimony. She has tried to end her life two times already, both times under our supervision. Both times, we intervened nearly too late. If we had arrived seconds later, she would have succeeded"

He took a deep inhale, puffing out his chest, before continuing, "The first time, she tried hanging herself with her chains. The second time, she opened her wounds in an attempt to slit her wrists. She will eventually find her way in that cell, and in the event of her success, justice will not be served" His voice boomed throughout the deadly silent hall. My mother sat for a long moment, her calculating eyes cutting through the guard, picking him apart. I heard him shifting from foot to foot behind me, nervous under her intense gaze.

"Do you not trust my judgement, good mage?" My mothers voice cut out through the hushed silence that had filled the hall, icy and precise, "Do you doubt the capabilities of the Truth Witch, to bring justice?"

I rolled my eyes at her melodrama, despite the direness of my situation. I would bet on my soul, if I proved to have one, that I was more of a truth witch than her. There was not a more dishonorable witch in this entire room. She would not know truth if it came up to her and hexed her a third, all-seeing eye.

I heard the fear quivering in the voice of the soldier when he replied, "No, my matron. I trust your judgement whole heartedly. In your hands does my life hold. But I humbly urge you, bring the shadow witch to stand. She has taken measures to end her life multiple times, in effort to escape justice by your hand, my matron"

My lips thinned at his pleas. Coward. Filthy, pathetic coward. I dared to lift my eyes towards my mother, peaking glances at her through my curtain of white hair. She looked radiant on the throne of parian marble. Veins of gold spread through it, as it did throughout the entire marble flooring. The golden dome above us caught the sunlight streaming through the Palladian windows, reflecting it exactly in the spot where my mother sat, basking her in golden light. My lips thinned even further. She was still mimicking the image of divinity. Even now. It was pathetic.

"Very well" My mothers voice called out, ringing throughout the hall, "Do you agree, council members?", she asked the rest of the council. My chest tightened, my ability to breathe crippling monumentally. I looked up frantically at the five witches and mages, and was startled to see Paris Arobynn's mother on the stand, a grim look settled on her face. She had not been here last time. It had been her father, serving in her place.

Yet when she met eyes with me, the figure behind her, her father, placed his hand on her shoulder, pulling away her attention, and reminding me of his presence in the shadows. My chest tightened, my airflow becoming thinner and thinner. I heard everything faintly, as though I was underwater, my heartbeat booming in my ears.

"Eulalia" My mothers voice barked out, pulling me out of my stupor, "Rise" she demanded.

I tried to push myself up with my one good arm, but collapsed again to the floor. I couldn't rise. I had lost so much blood that I could barely keep my vision straight,  much less rise and obey my mothers every demand like a bloody circus acrobat.

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