Vampyrs and their Girlfriends

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I scrubbed my hands in the silver basin, using blessed water to wash any remains of magic from my arms. I had my back turned to Paris, but could see him opening his mouth every few seconds, his tan reflection rippling in the body of the basin. He once even lifted his finger up in the air, as if trying to flag down a waiter, before lowering it back down and clenching his fists. After several minutes of this, with only the sound of the running water audible, my patience finally ran thin.

"What is it?!" I snapped at him, getting tired of his restlessness. It was simultaneously making me antsy, which was not good for my collectivity. Paris cleared his throat, making a guilty expression, as if he was caught doing something he was not supposed to be doing.

"I didn't say anything" He said after a long pause. I shook my hands off and grabbed a rag from the pile of neatly folded, sterile towels, turning around to face him.

"You've been standing there, gaping like a fish since the moment I turned my back. Just spit it out" I demanded, my impatience evident through my tone. It was late, and he was robbing me of precious time spent with my dear night, sleeping.

"Well..." he cleared his throat, "Uhm...How do you know so much about Vampyrs?" Paris blurted suddenly. I stared at him, his words echoing off the tiled, morgue walls. His face looked shocked, as if he had not intended to blurt that out. Whatever he was meaning to say, he had swallowed down besides just spitting it out like a real woman. Men were always so consistent with their cowardice.

"I told you already; my sister got caught with one back in our fourth year" I replied to him slowly, removing my white lab coat and sweeping my silvery hair up into a fresh pony-tail.

"Yes, but you knew an awful lot of details about them and their habits..." He trailed on, asking me to continue. I didn't know what he really wanted to ask me, but forcing me to indulge in a topic that neither of us had interest in... it was ludicrous. Was he just conversing with me to delay the inevitable conversation? I did not know. A sigh emitted from my lips as I leaned back onto the counter behind me.

"Vivienne Syphamore" I said with a hint of resignation. When he simply blinked at me, his brows furrowing in confusion, I continued, "Pytha didn't just hook up with a Vampyr, she used to date one. She called her Vivi"

"Used  to? What happened? Is your sister okay?" Paris asked in genuine concern. My face scrunched up, my lips turning down in annoyance. What on earth was he on about?

"Uh, yes? Vivi moved to California for college, so they broke up" I stated, giving him a look of annoyance while shaking my head in exasperation. Why was he always jumping to the worst conclusions about us?

"But anyways," I continued, shooting him a look, "she was around for quite a bit of time, and I befriended her. It made no sense not to, since she was always lounging around the house with Pytha. Getting to know a Vampyr is a ridiculously enlightening experience"

"And your parents were okay with it?" Paris asked, sounding genuinely astounded. He knew my mother- to an extent of formalities and politeness- and understood that she was not the type to let her daughter run rampant with a Vampyr.

"Definitely not" I scoffed, remebering the way my mothers face looked when she was called into school for Pytha's violation. It was a happy, happy day for me, knowing that mother was reeling in anger. Pytha was already bound by the time mother came trouncing into the school, the floor ablaze from her warpath. Her look of rage from her helplessness in the situation, made up my happy thoughts for ages after.

"Wilhemine threw a monumental fit when she found out" I chuckled lowly, my face twisting in a cruel smile. Of course, my extensive knowledge on Vampyrs was not confined to the limited interactions I had with my older sisters side piece, but that was neither her business nor Paris's.

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