Intro (Prologue)

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Running. A little girl ran across the field of flowers. She was followed by a man she only knew too well. They were happy. Content. Carefree. Everything she wanted. The giggles that fell out of the little girl's mouth. The man laughed, chuckling deeply. His voice was hoarse and raspy, a result of aging it seemed. But the happiness never seemed to dim in his eyes. The grass was tall in these fields. It seemed to be overgrown, wild, lush, brimming with life.

Familiar. A braid of pink hair flashed in the corner, looking over the left hill a young child with a cardboard crown that adorned his head, the pig mask, and the red blanket that reached his ankles as it was lazily tied at the front. He leaned against a tall oak tree. Looking over the horizon, smiling to himself as he watched his sister play in the field. Her eyes filled with nothing but wonder and curiosity.

Strange. Fear always seemed to be absent with her presence, but instead, it was replaced with a caution, much like a warning. It was as if she controlled the air around her with her every move. Like she saw right through you, ripping away your walls, your fears, torn away leaving you feeling exposed, your emotions bare, but her eyes didn't let you hide. They pierce through you, letting you show who you really were behind the facade. The mask seems to fall. The guards that once protected you, drowned. And in those eyes you find a new safety. One that will never let you down.

A loop. The scene seemed to repeat itself like a symphony that flowed so gracefully. The waltz was over. The little girl was no longer hyper as she ran from the man she thought she knew. No, instead she sat under the oak tree that wept at the top of the hill, the vines seemingly swaying gracefully and leaves and petals fell around her feet.

Happy. Peace filled the moist air that morning. The rays of sunshine that flowed seamlessly through the trees' advances to shield itself in the shadows. And there she sat smiling, her brother joining her under the trees protection as they watched the people work, the small village and town folk greeting each other on this morning like they would any other. It was as if time had stopped. As they slept peacefully under the willow tree. Their mother chuckled softly when she found them cuddled together with the boy's arms wrapped around her protectively, a troubled face adorning his features, as if he was afraid she'd disappear if he let go. The girl's face seemed soft, her skin glowed as the sun greeted her features. It was adorable to say the least. The father noticed his family under the willow tree, all seemingly at peace. Letting himself rest for once. They all joined together in a hug, under the beautiful weeping willow.

Happy. The flowers danced and the morning mist followed. It was a beautiful sight. One to never be forgotten, but cherished. Strange, it was all so familiar. Thoughts running miles per second, restless. But they fell in a loop. The dance seemed to come to a halt. Like reality decided to hit them with the hard truth of the world. This family was only to be destined with a terrible fate. Cruel isn't it? How the world seemed to change course the moment everything was at its peak. Like taking a dive at the top of the cliff, waiting for the fall, closing its eyes to await whether they were to ever open again. But it always gets worse before it gets better. Maybe the next story will find it's happy ending.

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