𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

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The others were shocked to see that the boy that had just entered the bar had been Meliodas himself. He had the same looks, and the same voice as him, but the only difference was that his hair had been a bit longer than how it used to be.

Everyone stared in shock. Zeldris was lost for words. He never thought this day would come. He didn't know what he was supposed to do if he had wanted to talk with this new version of Meliodas.

Without wasting any more time, Ban quickly ran over to Meliodas and began crushing him with a Bear hug. He knew he shouldn't have been doing that at the moment, especially when this version of Meliodas didn't even know him.

Ban slowly moved back before laughing softly.

"Sorry about that."

"But we are open!" Ban exclaimed before giving Meliodas a huge grin. Elizabeth stood from her seat before making her way towards Meliodas. She looked down at him, as he was still shorter than her. Meliodas tensed at how she approached him out of nowhere.

"What would you like?" Elizabeth asked softly. Meliodas hesitated before speaking.

"U-Um just something special I guess." Meliodas laughed awkwardly.

"On it. By the way, it's on the house." Ban smirked before heading back to the kitchen. Meliodas blushed as he noticed everyone had their eyes on him.

"So! What's your name young man?" Elizabeth smiled. Of course, she would've already guessed what it was already.

"Oh...I'm Meliodas. And you are?" Meliodas greeted shyly.

"I'm Elizabeth, Princess of Liones," Elizabeth responded.

"P-Princess? What In the world are you doing working in a tavern?" Meliodas questioned. Elizabeth only laughed and explained to him it was a long story.

"While you wait for your food, how about you tell us where your from. I've never seen you around Liones before." Merlin spoke.

"Oh well, that because I'm not from here. I was told since I was a child not to tell anyone where I'm from, but This is my first time away from home. I just thought everywhere else was all the same." Meliodas explained.

"Your out here all alone?" King said. Meliodas nodded.

"Yeah, I am. But I'd rather not go into details." Meliodas sighed.

"That's understandable." Gowther smiled.


"Do you have any parents?" Elizabeth asked.

"Y-You don't have to answer! I was just curious." Elizabeth assured.

"It's fine." Meliodas laughed softly.

"From what I was told, my parents had died or somehow just vanished after I was born. Soon after, I was adopted by my adopted mother and I've lived with her ever since." Meliodas smiled.

"Do you have any siblings?" Ban asked coming back over with Meliodas' freshly made meal.

"No. I've lived with my mother for 16 years. I've never left home until today. My aunt will kill me when she finds out I left." Meliodas sighed.

"W-why'd you Leave?" Escanor spoke up. Meliodas frowned.

"I'd rather not say," Meliodas said. The others nodded in understanding.

"Hey! Eat up before your food gets cold!" Hawk suddenly shouted. Meliodas looked down at the pig by his feet. He felt so bad for not noticing before.

"Woah a talking pig! How adorable!" Meliodas smiled going down to hug Hawk. Elizabeth smiled as she watched Hawk begin to scramble in his arms. She remembered how Meliodas was so close to cooking Hawk alive.

"This isn't an excuse for you to not eat your food!" Hawk scolded.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll eat now. But um...what was your name?" Meliodas asked.

"His name his Hawk. If you don't finish your food, you can always give it to Hawk." Elizabeth smiled. Meliodas nodded before turning back to his food.

"This looks amazing! Thank you so much, uh..." Meliodas paused himself looking up at Ban waiting for him to tell him his name."

"It's Ban. And your welcome." Ban smiled. Everyone watched as Meliodas took a bite out of the food. They saw his eyes sparkle in delight. Ban had been blushing slightly due to the number of comments he was getting from Meliodas.

Once Meliodas was finished he began laughing as he watched Hawk quickly Devouring his scraps.

"So...how about we get back to introductions," Meliodas suggested.

"I already got, Elizabeth, Ban, and Hawk but....wait a minute..." Everyone noticed that Meliodas had tensed slightly.

"What's the matter?" Diane spoke softly.

"You guys...are the Seven Deadly sins...right?" Meliodas said. The others looked around at each other for a moment.


"The majority of us here are part of the Seven deadly sins," Zeldris spoke, gaining Meliodas' attention. Zeldris had to say, this version of Meliodas was quite shy. But he looked exactly like the original.

"Oh alright..." Meliodas whispered.

"Is something the matter?" Merlin asked.

"It's just...my mother told me to stay away from the Seven deadly sins. I never knew why. She probably knew that I would have to leave home one day. And she probably knew I would've left before I was allowed to leave."

"But out of all days, I never thought today would be the day I would've had the opportunity to leave." Meliodas sighed.

"You should stay a little longer. Just for the rest of the day!" King exclaimed.

"There's the festival in town later. We should all go." Zeldris suggested. Everyone else nodded. Meliodas looked back over at Zeldris, he felt strange for some reason whenever he heard his voice. Or even looked at him. He ignored that feeling as he Listened to Elizabeth speaking.

"That's a wonderful idea Zeldris!" Elizabeth smiled.

"Now, how about we get to know each other a little more before the festival?" Ban suggested. Meliodas smiled.



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