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"The soul transfer was a success. But I'm a bit worried about if this means the curse will be removed or not." Merlin spoke.

"He's currently awake. You all can go visit him now." Merlin sighed before walking off. She must've been exhausted after performing a spell like that. Elizabeth nodded before making her way to the door. She placed her hands on the handles softly and let out a soft sigh before pushing the doors open.

When she opened them, she was greeted by Meliodas's green eyes staring at her. His hair had gone back to the same length, and he was still the same muscular man she remembered. He sat in the large bed, still dressed in all white. The room was silent for a moment the two stared at each other in shock. Elizabeth ignored the soft sounds of the other's footsteps approaching behind her.

"M-Meliodas?" Elizabeth whispered.

"Hey, Elizabeth! What's wrong?" Meliodas asked jumping out of bed, he had gone back to his normal self again. Looking after others before himself. Something that really used to piss Zeldris off.

"Wait no! Please stay in bed. I don't think you've gotten used to being back in this body yet." Elizabeth spoke running over to Meliodas's side, trying to get him back in bed.

"Uhh, okay." Meliodas complied and crawled his way back into the large bed.


"So...cap'n how are you?" Ban was the first one to speak after the short silence. Meliodas looked away to think for a moment before responding with a simple shrug.

"I dunno. Everything is a little blurry for me. Probably the after-effects of gaining my memories from my past life. Memories from over 3000 years." Meliodas said.

"I guess this really has an effect on my personality." Meliodas laughed. The others watched in amusement and listened to what they were hearing.

"Then again, I haven't regained all of my older memories." Meliodas sighed.

"Damnit...then the curse still hasn't been broken." Ban cursed.

"So...now what?" King asked. The room was silent once more. What were they supposed to say now? Meliodas laid down on the bed covering himself with the large sheets. He shivered slightly and grinned.

"Is it me, or is it kinda cold in here?" Meliodas laughed. Elizabeth smiled slightly.

"You continue resting. The rest of us need to come up with the plan on how to break this curse." Diane spoke. Meliodas never got to respond as he watched the others leave the room without another word.

Once the door shut, Meliodas was left alone in the large room. All he had was himself. And his thoughts.

His lonely disturbing thoughts...

Meliodas shook his head quickly. He wanted to reject the sudden thought and memories flooding through his brain. Looking down at the large sheets covering his cold body, Meliodas began to think to himself. He began wondering why he was still wearing this suit.

But most importantly,

If Zeldris forgave him.


The sins spent the entire evening discussing how to remove the curse. And they came up with nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Every time they had been getting some sort of solution, it would quickly be taken off their list since it didn't make sense. It was nearly impossible for them to solve this problem.

"We need to think of something fast! Tomorrow will be our last day to put an end to this!" King shouted. The others groaned.

"That's what we've been doing for the past three hours!" Ban argued.

"You guys! Stop arguing!" Diane scolded the two.

"If...if we're unable to fix this, and Meliodas is going to die again, then we might as well savor the time we have left." Diane suggested. Ban glared over at Diane.

"So you just want us to give up on him?! Is that what you're saying?!" Ban shouted loudly, silencing the entire tavern.

"No. We aren't giving up yet." Elizabeth spoke. Everyone eyed Elizabeth with questions on their mind.

"I-I don't think this will work...but there's something we haven't tried yet," Elizabeth said.

"And that is?" Gowther asked.

"Time travel."


"You've been staring at me like that for the past 3 hours. What's wrong with you?" Meliodas spoke while still laying in bed. He had changed out of his formal White attire and changed into something more suitable for him. Every since Meliodas had gotten back in bed after changing, he had eyes on him the entire time.

"What do you want? I can't rest properly with you glaring at me like that." Meliodas sighed.


"Come on! I would at least expect you to start yelling at me. Unless...you've started to feel empathy for your big brother!" Meliodas exclaimed. Zeldris scoffed.

"Stop That. In this situation, I'm the older one here." Zeldris sighed. Meliodas rose a brow.

"Uhm, no you're not." Meliodas corrected him. Zeldris ignored his elder brother's stupid antics.

"You're hiding something. But I don't know what it is." Zeldris spoke. Meliodas sat up and began scratching his head in confusion.

"I'm not sure what you mean Zelly. Well, I probably do. But if that's the case, I haven't regained that memory yet." Meliodas explained. Zeldris started back at Meliodas with a much harsher glare than before. Meliodas tried his best to hold in his upcoming laugh.

"That glare of yours isn't that intimidating with those beautiful green eyes you have." Meliodas mocked. Zeldris blushed in embarrassment. Zeldris had never bothered turning his eyes back to its usual pitch-black color after warming up to the rest of the sins. Only on some occasions when he had gotten into an argument with King, a villager, or just fighting an enemy in general.

Zeldris activated his powers, causing his eyes to change from emerald green to black. Meliodas stared for a moment before plopping back down onto the bed.

"I'm pooped..." Meliodas groaned. Zeldris said nothing.

"If you're gonna be like that, you might as well lay down with me. You must be exhausted after standing like that for the past three hours." Meliodas suggested. Zeldris twitched.

"Come on Zelly! Stop being a baby and come lay down with your big brother! This bed is big enough to fit you, me, and even Estarossa!" Meliodas cheered. Zeldris froze.

"Speaking of Estarossa...where is he again?" Meliodas asked continuing to look up at the ceiling. Zeldris shrugged. Meliodas could tell he did.

"Oh. I see." Meliodas spoke plainly.


The room was silent once more.

"You're such a baby. Are you gonna cuddle with me or not?" Meliodas spoke suddenly. Zeldris growled.

"Don't put it that way. I refuse to lay there with you. But if it'll make you happy, I'll sit on the end of the bed while you rest." Zeldris offered. Meliodas said nothing.

He listened as he heard Zeldris's footsteps get closer to the bed before pausing. Meliodas didn't even bother looking away at Zeldris from the ceiling. He felt the mattress sink slightly. Meliodas smiled in delight.



"Shut up!"


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